
Summary – Freedom in a relationship

Quote of the day – Man want the same thing from his spouse with what he wants from an underwear, support and some freedom 🙂

I laugh out loud when I first read the quote eheh. but I believe the quote doesn’t only apply to man, but to women as well? Surely women also want the support plus the freedom.

As funny as that quote is, I think it is very true. When we are involved with someone, there will always be time when we ask how much is too much. Should I show her more love, or should I back away and leave some space for her. This is very critical because if you back away too much, she may felt abandoned. But if you give it all, she may felt chained etc.

Well the thing is, this question is almost a mandatory question you need to figure out when you are in a relationship, and unfortunately there is no specific rules. I hope this guideline will be beneficial though

1) Everyone need an alone time
This is the most important thing of all. Everyone need some alone time, a time when he can do whatever he wants. So give your spouse a break once in a while. For example, if your girlfriend wants to go out with her friends, let her.. Don’t join in, let her be with her girl friends. The same goes to the guys.. sometimes he may want to play networked games with his friends.. let him enjoy it. Boys will be boys.

2) Be sensitive to body language
Ahh! the mysterious art of body language. Believe me.. they are not that easy to master. But anyone involving in a relationship must learn this. The problem is.. not all body language is the same for everyone. That’s why you will have to experiment. For example, try to stop giving attention to him, then see how he reacted. If still no effect, back away some more until you can clearly see him giving sign that he need to be cared for. Remember that sign or that tone. But please… never tell your spouse you are doing experiment. Anyone.. and I mean anyone doesn’t like being toyed with. Be very careful. Later you should try showered him with affection. And then see how much he can stand.

Some men doesn’t like being asked where he is, what’s he’s doing every 1 hour. For the woman, she may just want to show that she care but for the man it is very suffocating. This is the most difficult thing to learn, the art of knowing when is it enough.

Seriously speaking.. understanding your spouse is never easy. Each of you must verify this first before you start. They will be time when you will cross the line, or doesn’t even see the line. So before anything, discuss first, establish that mistake will happen and hopefully when it does, both of you will be very forgiving and educating 🙂

So the next time you wear your underwear, remember this..

————- Personal Note —————-
I’m very interested in learning some sign language. Have you ever been on a bus, and you are looking at your family waving bye to you, and while waiting for the bus to depart, you will start doing all kind of hand signal. Usually it will end up with a seemingly a conversation without any message being delivered hehe. And I once saw people who know sign language simply talking away by their sign language.

Now.. I wonder where can I learn this language

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Jejak Kasih

31 Oct Filed under : Personal 9 comments

Summary – Pick One Friend Project

You lost your remote control and the television started to show a horribly boring soap drama, with no good looking actor/actress at all. you start praying so that the remote resurfaces. Suddenly it’s there right on the dining table. You don’t care how weird to find it there even though you can never watch tv from there. All you’re thinking right now is there’s the remote. Now imagine you lost a remote for 15 years!

Yesterday, an old old friend of mine contacted me via comment on Extinct Heritage with the nick “anonymous”. Even though he did not revealed his name, he gave clues for me to guess who he is. He must have his reason for being anonymous, so I’m going to respect that. I’m going to refer to him as NS 🙂

Like the quest for finding the remote, I’ve actually been looking for him since ever. I tried his emails, I even planned to go to Kulim, where he used to live. However my only memory on how to go to his house is just the bus station, nothing else. It’s been 15 years and finally my best friend contacted me 🙂

And the fact that he found me via the blog is an extra bonus.. search engine really works! (I actually mentioned his name several times in my previous post)

So please excuse today’s post when it is a bit personal in nature. Not everyday you found a lost friend. And I can assure you, the feeling is pretty much like when you found that remote control. Not that I equate friendship with a remote control, you know what I mean. I’m just happy and thankful.

So to my fellow friends.. how about you? I bet you too are a long lost friend to someone. Why not give this same feeling I’m having to your long lost friend. This is what you should do

1) Go through your email address list and email one.. saying hi
2) or pick JUST ONE of your friendster / myspace friend and message him
3) or SMS one friend you had never contacted before.
4) or just pick up the phone and call him/her

Come guys… join me in this PICK ONE FRIEND project just after you read this, and then if you want, tell me about it in the additional ideas section. It can be from what response you get, or just how long you haven’t contacted him/her. The important thing is today, you contacted one long lost friend.

PICK ONE FRIEND project starts now! 🙂

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dog bone
Summary – Preserve childhood stories

I like stories. Don’t you? During my childhood, I was brought up with a lot of stories. All of them never fail to amaze me. Typical examples of the stories are like “Sang Kancil Dengan Buaya” (mousedeer with the crocodile), “Anjing dengan bayang-bayang” (Dog with the shadow).

I don’t know about you but I think these amazing stories are slowly becoming extinct. Nobody tells them anymore. Which is such a loss to us because they are all amazing stories where the children (I am the living proof) learn a lot of things about life.

So I am going to dedicate today’s entry to the preservation of the stories. But the fact is… story is only an essay if not read out loud. So I sincerely hope those who read today’s entry to keep telling our children our childhood stories and hopefully they will enjoy and more importantly learn from them.

Once upon a time, there was a dog. This dog was very greedy and was the bully of the village. All other dogs were afraid of it.

One day, to the dog surprise, it found a very big bone. It was very happy and picked up the bone to be brought home. Along the way, the dog will have to cross a river. There’s a bridge across the river. So the dog, still enjoying its lunch, walked across the bridge.

In the middle of the bridge, it looked down and saw another dog inside the river carrying another big bone. (We all know it is just the reflection of the dog, but of course this dog is so greedy it fail to access that part of its brain.) The dog was very greedy and want to have that other bone, it tried to scare its own reflection away. Once it opened its mouth to bark, the bone in its mouth dropped into the river. And now it had none.

Moral of the story – Greedy people always loses in the end. (Orang kedekut selalu rugi)

What’s your favorite childhood stories? List them here please.. 🙂

———- Personal Note ————-
I love telling stories to children especially my youngest sister, Mira. She is now in standard 2. (She’s not my actual sister but she is a sister to me) Anyway… when I told her the stories, I will usually exaggerate with all the voices and even some pictures, Of course, it is more like sketches on how the story goes. :)So one time, I actually found her sitting and she was telling the same story to herself by sketching them in her book (I don’t know.. maybe trying to remember the story), with all the exaggeration etc. heheh PRICELESS

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Summary – Prioritize

This is a continuation of the previous post on Redefining Priority

I heard this from a forwarded email and rewrite it for better understanding. Imagine you have a box for your computer. This is what you are supposed to pack, a set of computer, some CDs and unlimited amout of blank diskette. How do you pack?

1) Blank diskette first, CDs and then computer?
2) CDs first, computer and then blank diskete?
3) Computer first, CDs and then blank diskette?

If you start packing your blank diskettes first, the box will be filled with diskettes. How do you want to pack the computer or the CDs then?

To properly pack, we must pack the important ones first – the computer. Then if there is still some space left, pack the CDs. Blank diskettes is the least important because there are a lot of them and they are all blank.

Life is like that, we must first entertain the most important things in life, which are family, spouse, children etc. Then only we check on our career, friends, blogs, etc. The least important thing in life is like popularity, ego etc

———— personal note ————-
I have to admit, that when I started this blog.. sometime I spend more time with the blog than with my family. (At the moment there’s only the mrs, later only there’ll be family 🙂 ), So I sincerely apologize to the mrs that if there is at anytime she feels neglected. There’s no way I am like that. She is the most important person in my life.. Period. Even so, it is she who is the most supportive of me throughout my journey to blog. I really appreciate this..p.s. The original story actually involves a jar, stone and sand.

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