Have you ever felt that you are a working zombie. Working for a long time already and you can predict you will be doing the same thing in 10 years. I read in a book about how to give yourself some motivation and direction to working. First I apologize for not being able to give the reference to that book, read it long time ago.
It basically says that there are three levels for monthly-paid workers.
- level 1 – Salary below 5K
- level 2 – Salary between 5k to 10k
- level 3 – salary above 10 k
1) First identify which level you are in
2) For example you are in level 1, search through the newspaper for any job paying at level 2. you can search via other ways too such as internet, chat with clients etc.
3) Once you found the job, do research on the job requirement. for example the job may require 5 years experience in project management, or must posses steam certification or an MBA
4) The most important thing is that now that you know how to get there, plan your way. If that level of job requires you to have 5 years experience in project management, volunteer yourself for the experience. If they need you to have steam certificate or an MBA. invest on that. Dedicate all your energy now to achieve that goal.
Once there, you know what to do.
in short, if you want things to change… change it. However you can always choose not to do anything and get the increment slowly year by year. It’s totally your choice. This is more like an advice to me than to you. So help me Allah. What do you guys think?
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