credit card cvv

A couple of month before, there was this one girl, with a very excited tone of voice call me. I have no idea how she got my number. but then she maybe just trying her luck with the number. Basically, i just won some lucky draw said to be co-organized by my credit card bank. Obiviously  my personal firewall was triggerred. I have read so much on scam, that i know immediately this is one of those.

However, instead of hanging up, i choose to see how the scam goes. hm maybe due to the seductive voice of hers also :). but anyway…. she was telling me that she is from a new company that randomly choose credit card owner and offer them complimentary VIP card that allow me to have special discounts and even cash rewards.

She then asked my name as if to confirm my identity. I gave her the wrong name, and guess what? She sounds so excited as if I have just gave her a boat or something. What training they must have been through. So good in acting. She asked me a lot of questions, And finally she asked for the 3 digit at the back of my card.

For those who do not have credit cards, in order to do transaction online using credit card. You will need these

  • Name
  • Billing address
  • Card no.
  • The 3 digit at the back of your card or better known as CVV2. For other cards, you can refer to the image attached.

Back to the story, I just then hang up the phone. and started thinking. What if I memorize the three digit number and maybe erase it using liquid paper or something. They are too exposed, anybody with a good memory can memorize.

————— Personal Note ————————–
Im sorry for the late update. Things have been very busy lately. And I maybe going back to my hometown in Kedah this weekend. But i will be updating here via email.

Long time already, since I went back to Kedah. When I was studying, I always tell myself, once I work and have money, I will go back as often as possible. As I said in an earlier post, we always need to remind us where we came from.

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This post has 3 comments.

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  1. pocket
    16 May 07 2:45 pm

    wah wah !!
    this blog actually shows that
    u actually luv writing…
    u should start writing 🙂

  2. Banji
    16 May 07 3:05 pm

    🙂 thanx. i really do love writing. just sometime the procrastination gene kicks in, ideas will remain ideas..

    just now as with other blogs, just need to attract more readers. if you think it’s suitable, do inform your friends yer 🙂

  3. filantera
    17 May 07 5:09 am

    huhuhuuuuuuu cepatnyer dia update
    yeah i know that story

    ada gak yang photocopy and all

    gud article!

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