This is the first of How To Make Decision Series. You may want to check Part 2 and Part 3


At first I would like to do another topic. But somehow this topic seems more relevant to one of my friends (who is reading this).

So how do you decide on thing?. How do you decide between girlfriend A and girlfriend B? or which house you should buy? There are so many way to decide on things. And I believe all of us have develop an internal system on the methodology. Here’s mine. I’m taking the girlfriends case as an example, simply because it is more fun hehe

1) Do I really need to make that choice?

  • First ask this question, because a 7 years old and/or a 70 years old definitely doesn’t need a girlfriend. Why torture yourself with the dilemma. Sometime and by sometime, I mean, all the time our mind will think about things that have no relevant to us. For example, worried about getting fat, when you are actually underweight with a lifestyle of an athlete. Stop torturing yourself!

2) There is always option C and D.

  • You are going to make an important decision. Of course you will have to check if there is any other alternative. Option C is actually to choose both options. And option D is to choose neither. Consider this for a change.
  • FYI in engineering, there is the term “do-nothing”. For example, flood happens once every year and workers cannot come to work. The company can either invest millions to construct water disposal system, or we can just declare that days as paid leave to all workers, and only loss thousands 🙂

3) Decide on your criteria (Quality that must be present)

  • For example, the criteria in choosing a girlfriend maybe manner, nice conversation, and nice to look at. Do note that the quality must be clear. If, for example, when you look at girlfriend A – “I’m comfortable talking to her”, and when you look at girlfriend B – “But she’s funny”, then you’ll be repeating that argument for the rest of your life, while singing “Disana Menanti Disini Menunggu”. No point! 🙂
  • It may be cruel but you have to know which is better in term of the criteria you define.
  • Note : Criteria can also be in negative form, for example, the girlfriend must not be smoking. If girlfriend A does smoke and B does not. Immediately choose B 🙂
  • The criteria based selection is a cruel process. If for example girlfriend B has no manner. Immediately end the decision making choosing girlfriend A. The point of this process is to make the decision and not to entertain the dilemma. So be strong ya!

Mind is a very wild thing. It can be thinking about one thing and later think about a totally different thing immediately. That’s why it is sometime good to have an organized decision making skill. Believe me, the process may look like it take a long time, but when you are so used to it, effective decision can be made in seconds.

Up until this point, usually you have come up with a decision. If not, no fear, there are two more secret steps that will guarantee effective decision making. To Be Continued

————— Personal Note ————————–
Guys, I will be going to KL this Friday and Saturday, so there is high possibility I can’t see you guys until Sunday. Apparently I have some matters at Putrajaya on Friday. Any of you guys work in Putrajaya? Can’t wait to be back. But you never know, I just might have that itch and go to internet cafe. So do come in and say hi. Have a nice weekend everyone 🙂

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  1. Belladonna
    30 May 07 7:36 pm

    I think when it comes to making decision, we just have to be well prepare of the consequances. To be or not to be..heheh. Kalau salah buat pilihan, we can always learn from mistakes. I think thats wht makes us wiser..chewah (camlah aku bagus).

  2. filantera
    31 May 07 1:24 am

    hahahh gud job la banji
    might as well add the PMI (positive Minus Interesting)
    by edward de vono into the list oso….

  3. banji
    31 May 07 1:57 am

    bell – totally agree with you, making the right decision everytime is important, but making the wrong decision and learn from it can sometime be more beneficial.

    p.s. quote “(camlah aku bagus)” – takde salahnya kite bagi idea, walaupun kite tak semestinya perfect. nak tunggu kite perfect, tak terkeluar le idea kite tu kan? 🙂

    filantera – thanx, pmi ye… will do that later on, 🙂

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