Today in the newspaper, people are talking about what they are doing to help mother nature. People are pledging this and that. This is a very good development since it shows that people are more concern about the nature. So today’s post will be dedicated to nature. I’m not going to venture on the problem nature is facing and how to overcome it. Instead I’m going to list down what I have done in the name of nature and three pledges to do starting today.
What I have done for nature
- I recycled newspaper. Total earning from newspaper recycling up to date is around RM40 🙂
- At work, I collected used paper to be reused when I want to draft something
- Unless really needed, I told the shop owner or cashier not to give me plastic bag.
- I avoid myself from buying take away food (tapau) in those polystyrene. Do you know that those polystyrene takes up to hundred years to decompose.
- I only throw rubbish in the trash can. Even in my car, I forbid anyone trying to throw the rubbish outside. That’s why my car is slowly turning into a portable trash can hehe
* Erk, I thought I am doing OK but it turns out only I only did five items for nature. But I can proudly say that I have been doing these five items continuously for the last 7-8 years. It has became sort of a habit to me. However I need to do more
Three Items I pledge to do immediately
- Start learning to read newspaper online. This will reduce drastically newspaper to be recycled. I used to do this once, but fall asleep on the keyboard 🙂
- Use my motorcycle just to go to and fro to my mill. Once there, I will be walking only. At least it’s a good exercise.
- Conciously reduce my electril bill to 80% (Where’s the damn bill for god’s sake?)
Do share with me your have-done and pledge for nature.
Whether we like it or not, the world is dying. We can’t stop that. Our last hope is to preserve what’s left of it and hopefully prolong its death. Every little things will count in the end. Imagine every cell in our body suddenly say “I’m not important, banji will still be alive even if I’m not doing my function.” I’m dead.
You see, the chances of people saying “I don’t need to do that, other people is doing it” is more likely than “Let’s do that”. If that’s so, we’re screwed man
————— Personal Note ————————–
The post submitted via handphone. I’m now at my wife’s house surprising her for her birthday. I told her I can’t see her this week due to the work piled up. So shh 🙂 SURPRISE!!!!!!!!
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2dy in nwspaper talking ’bout Pak Lah getting married.. hihi.. 😛
hepi bufdy 2 ur wife banji! =)
eheh ‘today’ tu smlm punya paper sbnrnya, tgh2 malam paper x kuar lagi. anyway thanx for the wish,
baca sidang akhbar kt berita harian ari ni, tgelak je, wartawan kita ni ntah pape soklan ditanya nya paklah 🙂