I have an idea and in order to present it to you, I will need your help with an experiment. Can you please help me with this one thing?
First of all, I want you to believe that what I’m writing / typing right now is meant for you. No one else but you. Just imagine that I am writing a letter to be sent to you. Close your eyes for 5 seconds and convince yourself that we are actually best friends in real life and that the following paragraph is written to you. Ready? Open your eyes (which is a pretty weird request since your eyes were closed heheh)
/letter starts
Hi! This is banji and I’ve been asked to describe something about you. Hm where should I start? You may not be aware but people around you DO care about you. They sometime seem to be occupied with other things but seriously they think about you all the time.
You sometimes were left at the end of the day confused. So many things to do and so many things to decide. Life can be not fair for you sometime when other people seem to live their life exactly the way you dream yours. You are so confused that sometimes you feel both strong and weak at the same time, so happy and yet nobody actually know the screaming inside. It feels like you will always wonder whether anybody else out there is feeling the same thing, or are you just alone here.
/end letter
So my question is, do you think what I said about you is correct?
For those who participate, kindly tell me how much percentage do you think is correct? 100% for absolutely describing you and 0% for dead wrong. You can provide the answer to me at the comment section, shoutbox or even email. Anonymous answer will also be appreciated.
I will explain the experiment tomorrow based on the feedback I received. By all means, if you can come up with a conclusion to this experiment, please share it here kay.
Update – You can view the result and the analysis here.
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To tell you the truth it’s 100% describing what i feel sometimes..
100%. pelik lah.. cam tau2 jeek hehehe!
wowowoowo when MD turning to Psychologist, hehehhe…
I do have that feelings at times perhaps a lil bit(20%) especially when I miss my loved one’s…wishing that I should be there with him rite now instead of being here…;)
for me..it’s 100% true about what i really feels sometimes..
80% kut, because people think different way everyday.
hari ni dia pikir camni, pastu esok dia pikir mcm lain plak.
so it depends on the person him/herself la.
xeno,ien,ninonoi,noushy n azuwachan – thanx guys for helping me, still gathering data, will present the result tomorrow 🙂
rsnye untuk gina mcm 80% yes… huhu
hmm.. i’ll say 90% true..
first para:100% yayayyaya
2nd para :0%
so puratanyer is 50% hahah
but i am feeling down, even mp3 cannot heal…
nak balik!!!!!!!!
emmm….hampir 80% adalah benar 🙂
sometimes words can’t describe how we really feel inside. At times, our surrounding effects our true feelings. At times, our feelings/energy effect our surroundings.
for me, 70% is true and agreed also with akak pok pek.
thanx for all your sincere answer. keep them coming… lebih banyak org yg sudi share percentage tu lebih accurate the final assesment will be.
just saya harap semua ikhlas menjawab, kalau mmg rasa semua tepat, declare it as 100%, kalau mmg rasa langsung x tepat, let it be 0%. kalau ada yg betul ada yg salah.. just agak2 berapa percentage die, mcm my fellow friends – noushy, azuwachan,gina marna, zai, filantera, ayrinz
comments like akak pok pek pun dialu2kan.
Hmm hard to say, actually. I don’t think it’s 100% for me. Probably 30%. Maybe coz saya cam amalkan konsep “ignorance is bliss” xD Cam ada shell yang isolate myself from others. Waktu kerja, kerja gegila. Langsung tak try carik tumpuan lain. Pastu kalau ada yang kacau, rasa cam nak fire kuasa otromen kat dia tapi nasib baik tahan.
So basically apa yang saya nak kata, I’m not really interested to find out if people care for me or not 😀 I don’t mind if no one does.
If I received such note from someone I know, it’s like “cool! i caught your attention enough for you to care about me” and kalau stranger, it’ll be like “creepy…” O_O
So I guess my response is an example of a negative feedback? Anti-response or something? Something out of the norm? xDDD
koromyst – sy pun akan pelik kalau stranger yg antar note tu, tp experimen ni bukan pasal stranger, akan diexplainkan esok. for now just anggap mmg ur bestfren yg antar, does it describe u? so it’s 30 pc from u
hmm. if u ask me to read this 3 years ago (2004) which was my ‘zaman kejatuhan’, i will eventually cry my heart out and say it’s 100 true. but now seeing myself a changed person, not expecting anything from anyone anymore, i’d say it’s only 10% true.
i feel 40% true…
sometimes good time
sometimes bad time
sometimes just time..
adieha & lover – thanx for the input. Anybody else care to contribute to this humble research of mine 🙂
1st paragraph, i think its 100% true. I can relate to it coz most of the time I think abt others, but i prefer to keep it to myself and ‘watch’ those whom I care from afar je..
Second paragraph, truly agreed with -> Life can be not fair for you sometime when other people seem to live their life exactly the way you dream yours. But that’s life? Kan?
The rest of paragraph 2 cuma dirasain when I was having some difficult time a year ago. Strangely, nowadays I just feel happy after I moved on with my life.
p/s: tatawlah menjawab soalan ke idak. But hope this will help 🙂
for me i would feel that its
80percent kna atas batang idung
but then again…
the wordings is too general…
generally for people who are
feeling down. so ..
since i’m feeling down…
like br jatuh tangga…
n lagu avril lavigne – when u’re gone
peneman diri skrg….
kena lah kat batang idung sndiri …
belladona & pocket – thanx.. will close the research by 12.00 am and finish up tomorrow’s entry
to all – thanx a million
sorry, terlambat respon pada topik.. been buusy.. 🙂
i agree with what you wrote,..because each and every day we wished there’s someone out there who would understand our feelings… without realizing that everyone else also feels like us.. we are humans, walaupun banyak perbezaan, sebenarnya kita tetap punya satu harapan dan tujuan yang sama.. 🙂
kudos anyway
i think it is 60% correct for me. yes, it is true that im still confused of my self. being alone, sometimes but it will gone whenever i have my family n friends around. but guess what banji, the another 40% is actually the part that i dunno the innerself of mine. simple to say, i always confuse all the time to know myself better. dats why i used to do on psychology test or something else yg mcm test2 ni.
sharze n moon – kan? mmg susah nak cari the one person who truly understand u. most of the time kita sendiri x fhm diri kita
aa, diri sendiri xphm diri sendiri so mcmane org laen nak kate yg dorg betul2 phm kite. mmg mabe 50% dorg phm kite, and kite sendiri xsedar kite cm tu.. tp it is what we call human kan. seorg insan biasa. =)
moon – yup.. hanya insan biasa, selalunya sy mmg pikir mcm tu, kalau lah umur kite ni 25 tahun (perasan muda kejap), dah 25 tahun kita cuba kenal diri sendiri.. pun tak boleh, lojik ke kawan yg baru kenal kite 5 6 tahun, nak faham. so kena le bagi can sket utk org lain kalau diorg tak faham 🙂
i’d say 40% banji…
alfattah – thanx 🙂
i think….
100%..kekadang tuh bende camni buat kite…
terlalu rendah diri….
pernah juga alami situasi macam ni..
hingga lah sekarang…..
pd – terlalu rendah diri? care to elaborate