Very recently, I was told by Miss nur_za, an assistant editor of an E-Magazine:Prasasti, that my article was used in their magazine for the July Edition under Featured Blogger column.

I was actually quite surprise since this is the first time in my entire life, an article written is printed in a magazine. (it is not actually printed since it is an E magazine, but you should get it). So do excuse me being very happy about it.

The E Magazine is actually very new, but for those who would want to have a look,

Download Here

The article is at page 42. Even though the layout make the article very hard to read, I don’t care… I’m there hehe

p.s. Maybe I should start thinking of writing professionally to magazines hihi what do you guys think?

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  1. Noushy Syah
    15 Jul 07 7:27 pm

    Banji…hey lemme your ears, I think you deserved it…blimey and congratulations is the best word for it!!

    ..and yez, your immortal wisdom just getting better….keep it up dude.

  2. banji
    16 Jul 07 1:28 am

    thanx noushy, again i must give the credit to all of u who supported the blog, a blog can be so great it answers all problems in the world but whats the point if nobody visits and it definitely will die if nobody say hi or contribute.

    for that i thank all of u so much, let learning from each other be a culture we can be proud of.. at least here 🙂

  3. pocket
    16 Jul 07 3:35 pm

    seriously this is a start of a
    very good turning point.
    u just might get better in this…
    place your name the same rows as :
    stephen kings

    huhuuuu…support u all the way

  4. Banji
    16 Jul 07 4:33 pm

    pocket – huhu the name blushes me la, however .. amiin

    ill stick to the blog first, improving my english in the process 🙂

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