Summary – A Japanese culture we need to follow
My brother once studied in Japan. And he told me interesting stories about the culture there. Believe me that not all of them is good. But one culture does fascinate me.
“When ever a Japanese eat at a street stall, and if he like the food, he will go meet the chef after he had finished his dinner and say “Your food is so delicious” (Of course in Japanese). The chef will obviously feel happier.”
This is one noble culture we should start practising ourselves. Don’t be shy to give appreciation if the person deserve it. Do we lose anything when we do that? No, in fact we gain a lot of things; new friends, better services next time and of course a smile.
Our culture however is very different.
“Since we are paying for the service, they were the one who must treat us like king. The chef must come and greet us. If the food is good, maybe we’ll come again. But if the food was not good, you just wait!!!”
————— Personal Note ————————–
I actually did apply this once in a while. Usually I will go to the cashier and say “the food is delicious I will definitely come back”. The cashier was so surprised she don’t know how to respond.Now aren’t we Malay were supposed to be famous for our courtesy (budi bahasa), Why was she so shocked?
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yes, totally agree with you.
org kita tak bese appreciate orgnye hasil tangan. dan kita juga tak dibiasakan dgn pujian. sbb tu la,
“tak pernah ade org puji aku, so knp plak aku nak puji org??”
haa… camtu aa org Melayu.
Sbb tu la lebih elok kalau ibu bapa selalu, kalau tak puji, appreciate anaknye kerja. Kalau dia basuh pinggan ke, cakap, “ha, macam tula anak mak. rajin buat kerja.”
see, dari situ kita akan belajar menghargai, betul??
anyway, you’ve been tagged!! to my blog, please x)
huhuhuhuh really puji pujian tu best kalau kena tempatnyer
okay lepas ni mmg nak start wat benda ni balik la
tp kalau McD drivetru camner nak puji ek?camni leh…
“u have such a soft hand….can i hold it a bit longer?”
(-_-‘) bersedia nak kena sepak oleh banji hehehhe
azuwachan – “tak pernah ade org puji aku, so knp plak aku nak puji org??”.. tepat betul ayat tu, mmg tu la cara org kite fikir, semuanya nak kena ada balasan pada kita, baru kite buat…
filantera – 🙂 jgn… nanti dari McD VIP jadi McD Banned hehehe. tapi apart from that, pujian (provided yg ikhlas) mmg sentiasa boleh mengubah mood org menerima tu)
yup, this positive culture should been practised by us but have to clearly differentiate between appreciation and greetings coz both make different effect. more of greet sometimes turn people to become riya’.
i also would like to thank banji coz writing this blog in is like my e-tuition class when reading your blog . 🙂
kakluna – thanx… thats the first reason i started this in english. To improve my english. and if it can help other people in the process, it will be even better.
however, im not sure i get what you mean by greeting. maybe complement it with some examples, perhaps?
Why she seemed shocked? She wasn’t the one who cooked the meal so yea, she was kinda shocked when someone actually complimented her for something she didn’t do hehehe… Second, she probably wasn’t expecting anyone coming up to her with praises. She was, however, expecting money. K-ching! Hehehehe…
koromyst – The real issue is not on why she is shocked in the first place. The fact that she is shocked means that nobody had ever shown any appreciation and treat everything just like a business transaction, nothing more.
Thus clearly show how stingy we are in term of giving appreciation