Hey, It’s Sunday!! sorry, it’s Monday…
I was surfing yesterday.. and I found this picture on lowyat.net. It is generally about the difference of exposure when using camera with and without flash. Hope it helps fellow friends interested in cameras.
I just can’t stop laughing…… :))
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ERRRR…I dont get it!!?
banji, nanti akak buat falafel banyak2, kasi itu fullfil your stomach!! hehehe… lawak jek..
waa…nanti bila akak ambik gambar , nak pakai flash lah…kot-kot boleh menjelma lah superman, batman ke, cicakman ke, kat sebelah…hehehe…
aku – 🙂
noushy – explaning the joke-the man in the red mask is a superhero called ‘flash’
nurazzah8 – saya tuntut tu nanti 🙂
flash gordon tu! bro buat yanz gelak pepagi ni..
the red guy is funny! huhu
banji.. nasib baik ‘flash’ yg appeared.. klu pompan berambut panjang dn bertaring.. mcm mana?
filantera, rockafella and moon – 🙂
nor ash burn – huhu kalau pompuan bertaring, budak pompuan tu akan tetap senyum macam tu, tapi perasaan yg jauh berbeza hehe
hahhaha—sooo funny, jadi flashman.
very funny!!
haha..that’s just so funny..flash !!
hahaha very funny! =))
minat gak ngan photo editting
use to took up basic photography back in uni, they thaught us pics editting too besides the art of capturing photos itself…
Loads of fun!!
One day nk bukak kdai gmbr… hahah dream in dream in.
lucky it’s FLASH..not ‘someone’ else =p
lawak lawak…
flash gordon…
i’m known as the Plastic Man in
this kilang i’m working on right
dr no, syahidatul, ninonoi & chazz – 🙂
alfattah – really.. then hopefully u can do what u dream. maybe editted a funny pic like this heheh
pocket – plasticman? why? ure not doing yoga rite? 🙂
Ohh..Banji, no wonder….it’s not my cup of tea, that’s explain…