Summary – Wednesday smile
Not all forwarded emails are junk. I actually have a folder in my pc for those interesting ones. The problem about sharing forwarded emails is that most of the time people are already familiar with them. 🙂 Here’s one I would like to share with you…
Source – Forwarded Emails
Subject – Kids Say the Darnest Things
What Is The Proper Age to Get Married?
“Eighty-four, Because at that age, you don’t have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving each other in your bedroom.” (Judy, 8)
“Once I’m done with kindergarten, I’m going to find me a wife” (Patrick, 6)
What Do Most People Do On A Date?
“On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.” (Mike, 9)
When Is It Ok To Kiss Someone?
“You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a big ring and her own VCR, ’cause she’ll want to have videos of the wedding.” (Jim,10)
“Never kiss in front of other people. It’s a big embarrassing thing if anybody sees you. But if nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours.” (Kally, 9)
Is It Better to be Single or Married?
“It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need somebody to clean up after them” (Lynette,9)
“It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I’m just a kid. I don’t need that kind of trouble.” (Kenny, 7)
/end forwarded emails
Do you guys have any experience with your children, when they said the darnest thing? 🙂
————— Personal Note ————————–
Do you remember the PETRONAS advertisement for last Hari Raya, where the couple actually hates the grandfather. They even set up another table for him to dine alone. In the final scene, the children play tea, and set up a table for their parent. “Nanti bila mama abah dah tua, mama abah makan sini”, “Abah jangan lupa pakai pampers tau”Funny, how so much we can learn from the children
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seronok sebenarnya klu kita tgk bdk2 bermain sesama mrk dan dgr apa yg mereka bualkan.ada satu peristiwa yg cik kaca ingat sampai sekrg ttg sepupu2 kecik cik kaca.pernah ada satu hari,sepupu cik kaca(3org,dlm 5-6thn) bermain2 dgn buku-buku cerita.sepasang adik beradik,abg dan adik,dan seorang lagi nama Heidi.tgh2 depa dok baca buku cerita english tu,si adik ni gelakkan abg dia sbb tak dpt sebut byk perkataan dlm buku…”apalah abg ni,itu pun tak reti baca,bodoh la.heidi boleh je baca (erk kasar plak bhs sepupuku yg sorang ni)…. then si Heidi ni pun ckp,
“no,,no,u are not stupid,(sambil tangan tepuk blkg si abg td utk memujuk),,,but i’m intelligent..”” (pastu heidi tersengih cam kerang busuk)
alahai budak-budak…
then,sbg sepupu yg dah dewasa(sy le),kena take action utk terangkan kat si adik,tak baik ckp abg camtu etc etc, bla bla.
budak2.cepat blaja.tak kira benda baik or buruk.
cik kaca – heheh cute. bagus cik kaca terus masuk campur, one thing about budak2 ni itu lah, diorg cepat belajar, so apa yg dibelajar tu kena le ada org yg monitor. kalau x, silap2 si abg tu akan teringat2 je yg ada org panggil dia stupid sampai besar.
kdg2 mungkin juga si abg tu rasa tercabar dan belajar sungguh2 takmo org panggil dia stupid 🙂
good story sis 🙂
satu kegemaran xyamani ialah suka tengok gelagat orang lain termasuklah bebudak sebab sy ada ramai anak2 sedara..dan sy jg ada tolong jaga anak kwn masa study dulu (dah anggap mcm anak sendiri pun)..
satu hari dia punya abah (yg kuat mengusik anak)duk syok kacau dia.kejap2 usik hantu la..kejap2 ajak main sorok2 la..(apa punya kamceng la abah dia ni..hehe) anak tgh sibuk (saje buat sibuk) dengan buku2 tadika dia,apalagi marah la kat abah dia ni..
sekali dia cakap:..’abah ni apa la..suka sangat usik kakak..tak baik tau usik orang,abah nak masuk neraka ke?nanti kena bakar tau!’..hehe..adengan seterusnye,abah terus tergolek gelak dgn ummi dia..
banyak terjadi,anak2 yg masih tulus dan murni sifatnya tanpa sedar dah tolong menyedarkan kita..
basic concept dah betul tu, buat jahat masuk neraka. hehehe mmg terduduk kita kalau ditego anak2 mcm tu.
good one xyamani 🙂 lepas tu si abah tu ngacau lagi ke?