Today is my brother, Filantera’s birthday!!! Happy birthday to you. And I pray that you will be blessed with happiness your whole life. Present?
hmm I wonder what’s the weather in Africa now? :p
You may not know it, but you really are the backbone of the brotherhood. We have been saying all this while, that you are actually the best of both of us. And I believe it is still true. 🙂
All your sacrifice does not go unnoticed. Remember that.. Only Allah will be able to repay them.
Time sure flies.. right?
p.s. I think it’s raining in Africa, don’t you think so Pocket? 🙂
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Happy Birthday to FIlantera..with all the best.
happy birthday filantera……:):):)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
huhuhuhu well ur words is a present enough for me hehe
suka suka
smlm trtido awal but wake up ada byk sms dan misscall
thanks to mrs banji too….
no lah, mana ada, we are all the best! like fingers, we cant live without even one of us, either ther smallest or the BIGgest!!
er africa?
hepi bufday to ur bro, even tho im not even know him! daaa!
heppiii besday filantera…:)
to noushy, drno, rockafella, aku, :thanks yaaa!
even u dont know me but u wish me, make it better than those who know me but didn’t wish me……..
happy birthday too.. moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.. hehehe 😀
Happy birthday Filantera…
u are the best in all of us…
Thats why u are the warchief of the clan 😀
My apologies for no Happy Birthdays SMS… my henpon masuk ayaq laaa…
Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa, saya terlambat wish Happy Birthday la. Sorry bebanyak ye. Apa-apa hal pun, Happy Belated Birthday. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan berjaya dalam kehidupan di dunia dan akhirat 🙂