
Summary – Just remember one thing.. just one thing.

This past few days, I am more eager to watch tv. Not because of the movies, but actually because of the sponsored advertisement, all giving different angle on how to view Merdeka. Yes… Finally I decided to say something on Merdeka.

There are so many ways to talk about Merdeka, The News Straits Times is giving copies of reprint newspapesr from the year 1957. The Petronas as always, come up with a brilliant advertisement where the children were asked to spell dinosaur, and I guess you understood what I meant.

Kudos to all, because we really need to be reminded of all that. The struggle, The long way we have come, The peace etc.

So what more can this entry in this humble blog add to the inspiring celebration through out the country.

I guess, that’s the whole question now isn’t it? What more can WE add to all this?

We can celebrate all we can, we can be touched by the ad, We can feel lucky, free, and thankful with being a Malaysian. But like all celebration, it will be over with time.

So what can we actually do for our country? So many ways.. believe me. But I believe there is one thing which if done, will be the equivalent to all the message in Merdeka campaign, tv ad, and everything. If you do this, will be more significant than all flags being raised this day in the whole country. You just need to remember. Remember what we are celebrating, remember where we come from, remember the struggle, just remember.

You don’t need to remember all. How can everyone remember the history of Merdeka, Take one piece.. and hold on to that. If you like to remember Merdeka for its flag. Do not remove the flag when Merdeka is over. And please don’t leave it be to rot as well… maintain or change it to new if you must. What I’m saying, choose one thing you learn from all this.. and stick to it for the rest of your life proudly. That would be so much better than the celebration once a year.

It doesn’t have to be flag. Remember the Petronas advertisement, where the children doesn’t know what’s the meaning of race? even associated race with racing. Eheh really funny. If you choose this lesson, practise the idea through out your life. Make friends with all races. Remove the racism in your heart entirely. You don’t have to put up a flag if you don’t want to. Just do this.

Hopefully you understand my message. So can I ask, how do you wish to remember this Merdeka? My humble answer is in the additional idea. Please share yours

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  1. Banji
    29 Aug 07 5:10 pm

    Simply I remember it as continuous struggle. When we received our “Kemerdekaan” on 1957, it doesn’t mean that we had achieved what we want. It actually means we are now facing a more challenging task. We need to run the nation ourselves.

    The same goes to my life. Life will not get easier when we get older (Ehem to Filantera), it gets tougher. If it feels like it getting easier, it can only be due to two things – we are getting more tougher accepting the challenge or we are actually just couldn’t care less.

    So in short, I need to better myself every day of my life. Islam wise, Nation wise, Financial wise and all wise. That is how I remember my Merdeka. And that is exactly how I contribute to this beloved Malaysia.

  2. Rockafella Gurl
    30 Aug 07 2:21 am

    hahahhaa i know that Petronas Ad! “race? race car huh?” soo funny!

    Hepi 50th Merdeka! Im going for 2mrw parade bro!

  3. iEn
    30 Aug 07 2:29 am

    teman celebrate di umoh jeek ngan adik beradik teman.. wekekekeek..

  4. Pawana Malam..
    30 Aug 07 6:07 am

    hi banji…i cant wait to countdown tonight..aahhh, feel good to be malaysian, and proud to be this colorful country citizen..

    Happy Merdeka Day!!

  5. banji
    30 Aug 07 6:19 am

    yanz – i love the ad also, love the part.. dinosaru and dinosore 🙂

    ure going to the parade? hope to see u on the screen then 🙂

    ien – me too, tapi kali ni nak bangun awal, tgk parade hehe dah bertahun2 asyik sempat tengok keta kebal dah lalu,(which is the end already)

    pawana malam – happy merdeka day to u and to all 🙂

    hopefully we learn something from this Merdeka

  6. Pocket
    30 Aug 07 10:06 am

    Merdeka is to learn about being hit, fall down on the face n then rise up again…
    in a better way…
    with an improved personality…
    in pursue to a better day…

    Pernah dijajah sekali…
    lupa dengan diri…
    lupa tujuan hidup ini…
    Kini ku berdiri…
    mengorak langkah kaki…
    dengan azam teguh di hati…
    nak jadi menteri…

    (sorry … tengah jalan abih idea daaaa…)

    Peh..lapo la… moh makan maggi 😀

  7. Banji
    30 Aug 07 10:56 am

    pocket – hahaha, starting nak mcm menarik. last sekali jadi mcm pantun dua kerat lak

    siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, :p

  8. Noushy Syah
    31 Aug 07 12:39 am

    hehhehe..Saya tumpang gembira dgn your country 50th nationhood celebration, congratz Malaysia.Selamat maju jaya!

  9. banji
    31 Aug 07 2:11 am

    noushy – terima kasih 🙂 but seriously.. kalau tak diberitahu, mungkin saya sendiri fikir cik noushy ni Malaysian.

  10. Noushy Syah
    31 Aug 07 11:58 am

    p/s Banji…God’s willing, hopefully in 2 yrs time I would be joining you guys as ‘a Malaysian’…!!

    p/s BTW I also have a Malay descent in my blood!!

  11. Banji
    31 Aug 07 2:47 pm

    noushy – 2 years? hope to see u then. 🙂

  12. Anonymous
    25 Sep 12 11:59 pm

    aku anak malaysia

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