Summary – Do not be calculative…
A story today, I once heard from an unknown resource. I’m also not that sure whether it’s true or not but irregardles, it is a nice story to be shared. (Obviously the story was rewritten based on memory)
Once upon a time, there was a man who is so successful, he was the richest person in the country. One day he decided that he wanted to pay off any debt he had with any person in the country. After paying off all debt, he suddenly realized that he still owe his success to his old mother. And thus he went to see a wise man, asking how he could settle all debt he has with his mother.
The wise man, shook his head and said that there’s no way a mother’s deed can ever be repaid.
The rich man disagreed, and came up with a plan. What he did was he picked his mother off the floor and started carrying her on his back for 10 years. This according to him should settle the burden he was when the mother was pregnant. In the 10 years time, he did everything, his mother did when he’s a child. feeding her with his own hand, bathing her, everything to repay back all the little things he did.
After the ten years passed. He again went to the wise man, and tell him every little thing he did. Apparently he kept a notebook listing it all, complete with time and date.
The wise man simply said that “What you did however great it was, will never match even a drop of your mother’s breast milk. or a second of your time seeing with those eyes”
(I’m sorry to interrupt… this is how I remember the story, “eye” with “blind”, get it? ok on with the story hehe)
The rich man said “You are just making this up, how come what I did doesn’t match what she did?”
The wise man replied “It is because, when your mother carried you, fed you, bathed you… the only thing in her heart is the hope to see you grow and happy. But when you carried her, feed her, bathed her.. the only thing in your heart is wondering when will she die.”
/end story
Seriously, I pray to Allah, please don’t let me be that type of person. Where when we care for our parents, we are counting every deed we do to them, thinking “apsal lak aku yg kena jaga, anak2 dia lain buat apa?”, and every now and then, hoping that they will die soon so that I can move on with my life. Please Ya Allah…. Please don’t.
————–Personal Note————-
There are two most important person in my life. My mama and Maktuk. Unfortunately I cannot care for them. My mother is still working in KL. She is a very independent woman being a single parent and all. All I can do is to go visit her every now and then. That’s why sometimes I’m not able to update the blog. I seriously hope to be able to take care of her when she decided to stop working.
Maktuk is my grandmother living in Kedah. Alhamdulillah, my brothers Filantera & Pocket are there taking care of her. I always feel sad knowing that I’m not there, seeing her more often when this is the time she needed me the most. I have to do something about this…
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yep, sy pon sedih la bace this story. seriously.
sy ade lists of things sy nk buat untuk parents sy. kedua-dua nye. bukan utk abah shj atau utk mak shj. but to both. sy geram bile org2 sekeliling suke mambanding kan harta yg dia ada dgn org lain. cth paling senang ialah kereta. cth ayat yg biase kite dengar, “Kereta aku lagi mahal, lagi hebat”. sy benci akan org sebegini. tp siape kite untuk menegur kan. so, i slalu ckp pada abah dan mak, jgn risau mak, abah. satu hari nanti diha akan belikan abah dan mak sebijik kereta BMW 5 series. tak pon toyota Harrier. hehe. and mereka mesti gelak kan saya. dan abah dan mak slalu membantah kata2 saya. mereka kate, “Bile ko nak belikan, diha? Kalo nk beli kereta tuh, at least gaji kene RM10000 ke atas. tayar kereta mcm tuh sebijik dh cecah RM2000. kereta ade tayar 4 bijik.” dan reaksi saya, saya of cos la gelak, kan. hehe. tergelak mendengar bantahan mereka. bagi mereka mungkin tak kan jadi kenyataan. tapi kite tak tahu kan, satu hari nanti, kalau kite rajin usaha dan usaha dan usaha, pasti nya hajat kite tercapai.
and back to your sad story tu kan, saya juga mohon agar sy juga tak akan jd sebegitu. nauzubillah! tak nak! sedegil-degil sy, sy takkan buat mcm tuh pada ibu bapa sy. sedih tau! cukup la sy melihat bagaimana mereka susah payah mencari duit, nk sekolah kan saya dan adik2, and even now, saya masih blajar, kadang kala kesengkek kan duit, mereka tetap hulur walaupon mereka juga kesempitan wang. especially abah. he’s been through rough experiences. tapi die tak pernah merungut. cume slalu berpesan, Blaja rajin2. tu je. (sedih la.. sebak laks bile menaip comment nih)
pape pon, ibubapa adalah segalanya. mereka yg menyebabkan sy masih bertahan untuk meneruskan cita2 sehingga sekarang. dan saya slalu berpegang pada kate2 abah sy. semuanya bermakne dan mengembalikan semangat saya.
saya selalu try jimat duit minyak kereta sbb nk belikn hadiah utk mak, i end up jarang balik rumah (sbb xnk kuar duit beli minyak)-10 ringgit utk setiap kali balik.
pas baca kisah ni, saya sedar, hadiah tu xde makna, kalo saya xde di sisi mak terutama bulan puasa mcm ni,kn?
-mesti balik selalu..dh keje nanti leh bg hadiah best2 lg kn? 🙂
diha – alhamdulillah, x ramai anak2 zaman skrg yg ingat nak balas budi mak ayah, so kudos to u.
parent kita tu la contoh terbaik apa yg dikatakan unconditional love. dia lahirkan kita, dan besarkan kita. tak pernah susahkan kita… in the end, sket pun tak mau balasan. dah tua pun, sentiasa bersedia berkorban nyawa jika perlu.
tapi tu la… dulu saya sendiri pernah ditegur, dalam hal2 kasih sayang ni, jgn libatkan duit. (actually dia tego time sy masih ngorat2 the mrs heheh) tapi betul jugak. utk membalas budi baik parent pun, kite kena cuba jgn jadikan duit sebagai the main thing.
sama2 lah kite jaga mak ayah kite tu. amiin 🙂
wilda – u know what… kita sama, saya pun dulu pikir nak pegang duit dua tiga ratus dulu baru nak balik kedah. sedap le sket nak belanja ke nak beli barang ke. tapi mcm wilda cakap, yg penting… attention kita tu. kita datang jenguk dia, dia dapat bau badan kita yg masham ni. tu yg penting. hilang rindu dia pada kita
kena ingat one more thing…. jgn ingat nanti bile dah kerja, kita akan ada lebih banyak masa. skrg sy sendiri dah bekerja, pun takde kesempatan, so apa saja masa terluang yg kita ada, (tak kisah le keje ke study)they should be at the top of our to-do list.
huhuh… saya menulis ni, terasa sgt mcm semua ni ditujukan pada diri sendiri adeh!
nice story
sebenanya nak menjaga org tua sgt susah……me myself dah ada pengalaman jaga dua org tua sebelum ni, and now another one. tp as much as i can say that i know every selok belok penjagaan diorg, still i become surprise each day.
banji.. a good piece!
ada jugak saya terbaca artikel ni sebelum ni, tp kali kedua pun bg impak yg sama..
so kpd sesapa yg still ada mak dan ayah lg tu, pergilah jenguk mereka selalu, jagalah hati mereka..let them at least “see” you..
kita tak akan rasa miss sgt bila parents masih hidup ni..tapi bila dah tiada nanti… kita akan rasa kehilangan yg teramat tahu sbb saya dah mengalaminya…huhuhu
terharu baca,,, betul2 buat kita tersedar kan? sejauh mana kita mampu membalas jasa mak ayah yang tak terhitung banyaknya.. maybe it takes more than our own life?
i’d always take as much opportunities as i could to help my mom out in the kitchen. altho tak banyak tolong sometimes (semua kerja dah abih when i sampai rumah balik dari University), tolong teman dan jadi teman bersembang pun jadilah asalkan everyday kita spend time ngan our mothers.
there’s one article i would like to recommend u to read. i got REALLY touched when watching the “How about ur Son?” video. nak nangis…
here, it’s Ust. Hasrizal’s piece.
but dunno whether u’ve read it. if u hv then nvmla.. 🙂
filantera – i have to take ur words for it. banji sendiri tak pernah jaga diorg time diorg sakit. it must be hard. tapi sbb sayang, tak terasa beratnya.. and that’s why u can do it all over again if u have to.
UncleJ – mmg begitu kan lumrah manusia ni, once kita dah hilang sesuatu, baru lah kite sedar betapa berharganya sesuatu tu.
tak boleh bayangkan mcm mana uncle rasa, mcm mana org lain rasa bila kehilangan org yg paling kite sayang. mungkin kite yg terlampau sayang ni, dgn sendirinya mengelakkan dari pikir hal2 mcm tu. atau pun buat2 takde perasaan. tapi nanti bila hilang utk selamanya… baru terkedu
Malam ni jugak tepon diorg 🙂
Syahidatul – itu lah… ambil kesempatan yg ada tu. nanti kalau dah bekerja, dah bersuami/isteri, lagi kurang masa kite nak nyembang2.
artikel tu, nanti saya balik keje baca ye. skrg masih kat kilang 🙂 terima kasih for sharing.. keep it up
salam abg banji..
sharze here..
just to inform u that i have changed my blog address,
it is now
nothing much in..just think of changing the room. sudah terlalu banyak menyakitkan hati orang..
warm regards, sharze
anne – ok, dah updated link tu 🙂 semoga kali ni, takde masalah..
Fuh..lagi topik yg besh..Hurmmm..i’m a daddy gurls..Agagagaga..Dr kecik smpi besar,manje nye lebih pada dad..Dr buat susu lam botol(msti dad yg bt..klo mum yg bt msti i campak botol iteww..agagaga) smpi la belikan topup skrg ni..adeh…kantoi..
Btwn me and my mum lak..very hard..we never get along..ape i bt,msti ade salah silap..Dlm 1 mgu tak bertekak…tak sah la..tapi bertekak yg kejap je la..
Eventought terjadi mcm 2,tak pernah i abaikan my mum..and 1 reason i am still unemployed…bcoz i jaga my mum and dad..Tawaran keje byk i dpt kat KL..but bcoz nak consider my mum yg kat Kuantan ni slalu sakit..i tpaksa tolak smua keje yg luar Kuantan..
I hope gak i tak akan jadi mcm cerita 2..Kedegilan i ni tak smpi tahap mcm 2..without them..who are we now???Mgkn i tak dpt nak bg diaorg kemewahan spt kebykan anak2 nak bt..Ape yg mampu i bg adalah kasih sayang dgn menjaga mereka..AMIN..
ara – kasih sayang dan pengorbanan tu rasanya jauh lebih baik dari semua harta didunia.. so jgn rasa rendah diri instead u should be proud 🙂
x sependapat ngan mak ke ayah tu perkara biasa. cuma kdg2 kalau perkara kecil tu, biarlah kita yg mengalah. banyak pahala tu