Summary – Two things noticed..

First of all… let’s take a moment and recite the surah AlFatihah to Adik Nurin Jazlin.

Thousands of blog around Malaysia are writing on this unfortunate event. Cursing the psychopath and praying that the family will be strong and patient. This blog will join in cursing that psychopath and pray he will be caught and punished. It would be better if he can be chained at Dataran Merdeka.. and let us all “rejam batu” at him. I personally will take a day off and go there.

Two things I noticed from this unfortunate event

1) Be careful, there’s a psycho around us

Malaysia is a very beautiful country. We are admired by most nation as a nation of peace. I totally agree. We can actually walk anywhere in Malaysia without any fear.

Until now.. one person has changed the whole Malaysia. This one person has proved that despite our best quality, there’s a monster living among us. That monster is only one person, but it totally affect all Malaysian. We all mourn for our Kak Ngah.

The point is please increase our awareness on the matter

  • Know your neighbour, make friends with them
  • Know your children, their friends, and keep track of their activity
  • Educate them as early as possible on humanity to prevent them from being that one monster.
  • Please be cautious, again… there’s a monster among us

Malaysia is still peaceful, Malaysian can still be proud of our beloved Malaysia for its courtesy etc. But we have to admit and aware of this monster, and take every precaution we could think of to protect ourselves and family

2) There maybe some hope in the unity in Malaysia

I’m touched by the thousands of people mourning over our Kak Ngah. Chinese, Indian, Malays etc all joined together.

I guess, in time like this.. We are all reduced to simpler being. We are no longer Malays, Chinese or Indian. We are just fathers, mothers, brothers. We are all family.

So let’s… Let us all be brothers and sisters. Start small.. start from your neighbour. Then maybe your colleague and go on. Let them know our intention is to create that bond with them. It’s no easy task.. We are so used to the idea, our house.. our house, theirs theirs.

I really wish all this cruelty happening to our children stop. These are our children.. an “Amanah” from Allah Himself. How can people even look at children that way. Seriously, I hope my “Dataran Merdeka” idea is taken into consideration.

————–Personal Note————-
Personally, I think they are many sexual predator now because of the porn in the internet. How else such a culture can be within us? We can’t stop the internet. But we can break certain culture of ours and start openly teach our children on sex education etc. Hopefully they will know the bad effect of porn before it even corrupt them.Look at it this way, the children will sooner or later learn about it, why not we show them the right way to learn it.

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  1. syahidatul
    21 Sep 07 5:05 pm

    hmmm sex education. dari dulu lagi duk mention ttg sex education tapi perlaksanaannya camne.. dah ke? kalau dah, camne silibus nye, saya pun tatau… tak dengar ape2 pun?

    biasanya semuanya ckp2 je kat malaysia ni, pastu implementation tah ke mana.

  2. UncleJ
    21 Sep 07 5:32 pm

    banji..a very good one, bro! a different perspective on this case..

    I agree with u.. that b**ch psychopath should be “direjam” in public at Dataran..i’ll take a day off too and bring along my friends to witness the event..serve him/her right!

    AlFatihah utk Nurin..

  3. azuwachan
    21 Sep 07 10:52 pm

    probably kite kena consider hukum hudud balik, huhu~
    semua penjahat2 tu takkan berhenti kalau undang-undang negara tak dihormati dan ditakuti.
    selagi diorang tak serik, selagi tu la diorang dok buat.

  4. banji
    21 Sep 07 11:04 pm

    syahidatul – hm rasanya kalau education system ni lambat sgt, apa kata mak ayah yg ngajor.

    paling penting ialah perasaan hormat terhadap kaum hawa dan jijiknya seks luar tabii.. pandai2 le kite reka silibus

    agaknya boleh tak? 🙂

    uncleJ – hm kita buat picnic kat situ heheh 🙂

    azuwachan – hukum hudud mmg hukuman yg terbaik. sbb focus dia bukan pada nak menghukum sipesalah, dia lebih kepada nak menerapkan rasa takut utk buat salah.

    kalau sistem skrg nak improve, mungkin boleh tunjuk hukuman gantung tu dlm tv ke, sebat tu ke, baru le ngeri sket org nak buat jahat pun. setakat penjara.. dan cakap mulut org dah tak takut.

    mcm mana ye nak ubah?

  5. aRa
    22 Sep 07 8:07 am

    My opinion la..It’s not bcoz of the sex education only..Mmg ia penting memandangkan budak sekolah skrg advance giler dr kita dedulu..tapi the education at HOME is the most important thing..Camna mak bapak mendidik anak..Itu la ckigu pertama pada seorg anak,mak bapak..Cikgu kat sekolah 2 hanya la cikgu num 2..

    It’s sad looking at our youth nowdays..adeh..tarak disiplin..Ngan melepak nye..suka buang masa..and then,bebudak skrg umo 8 thn dah jalan kuar rmh that age,parent yg patut bw anak 2 kuar..bkn diaorg kuar sendirian..i yg dah umo 25 ni pun parent ssh nak benarkan i kuar..Hurmmm..

    So education start at home..and org gile yg teramat la jahanam 2 mmg tak dpt pendidikan yg sempurna..Bkn salah kan mak pak dia je tapi dia sendiri pilih jln yg salah yg mengakibatkan 1 Malaysia benci dia..teringin gak nak tgk dia direjam..tak pun kita bt mcmna yg dia bt kat arwah..

    No more child abused plz..and no more crime!!!


  6. banji
    22 Sep 07 9:12 am

    ara – betul tu.. cikgu yg pertama mestilah mak ayah. kita ajar anak kita sendiri.. mesit kita sungguh2 ajar, bagi dia betul2 faham. cikgu kt sekolah hanya membantu.

    pendapat sy tu.. instead of mengharapkan sex education kt sekolah, baik mak ayah yg introduce. lebih sungguh2… sbb kite sure tak mau anak kite rosak.

    hm yg parent ni pulak kena le rajin timba ilmu, sbb anak yg pandai, kite kena lagi pandai, kan?

  7. intankamaruddin
    22 Sep 07 9:36 am

    It’s not only the porn.

    Masyarakat kita on reality basis pun sekarang sedang menuju ke arah kerosakan budaya. Tengok org Melayu sendiri. Premarital sex dah jadi benda biasa. Macamane?

    Bila dah jauh dari agama, benda jahat dah jadi benda biasa, tak terkejut kalau paedophile camni dh makin banyak kat negara kita.

    Pastu baru la sibuk2 nak wat department utk sexual crime n child abuse kan (At least Nurin’s death don’t go wasted).

    Time to wake up. Our society’s in great danger! Takut pulak nk besarkn anak2 in today’s environment. Huhu.

    p/s Sorry dah 3,4 hari tak dtg heheh. 😀

  8. Banji
    22 Sep 07 4:59 pm

    intan – mmg society kita dah makin rosak.. masa depan ia akan jadi lebih teruk.

    tapi mcm mana kita nak ubah? satu2 nya cara yg saya boleh pikir pun, ialah ubah keluarga kita, then jiran2… then masyarakat.

    ada idea lain tak mcm mana nak settlekan prob nih?

  9. alfattah
    22 Sep 07 5:15 pm

    alfatihah to nurin…

  10. Rockafella Gurl
    24 Sep 07 4:32 am

    Get the BEASTS now!!
    smoga Allah turun kn bala cepat kpd siapa yg buat kat arwah..

  11. banji
    24 Sep 07 5:11 am

    alfattah – alfatihah pada semua kanak2 yg jadi mangsa seluruh dunia

    yanz – amiinn. minta2 apa yg dia buat, Allah balas dua tiga kali ganda sempena bulan ramadhan ni

  12. MIP
    06 Oct 08 12:02 pm

    kte tak boleh berharap sgt kat mak bapak utk ajar anak2 pasal sex. mmgla mak bapak org yg plg dkt ngan anak2 tapi kte kna ingat kat malaysia ni berapa ramai mak bapa yg nk kngsi “pgtahuan sex” ngan, org yg sesuai uk pknalkn sex edu. pd kanak2 skrg ialah guru2 kat sekolah. lg satu kte kna ingt sex edu yg akn dprknlkn tu mgkt slibus yg dttapkn olh krjaan so parents xperlu risau. 1 more thing, klu makbapak yg nk ajar ank2 psl seks, cba pikir apa yg makbapak tu nak ckp nt…
    al-fatihah buat adik nurin…

  13. 06 Oct 08 12:39 pm

    MIP – Terima kasih MIP atas the different pov. Personally, Memang tak semua mak bapak equipped utk ajar anak2 dia sex education. Tapi kalau dia rasa kurg knowledge, dia patut pegi belajar. At least dia boleh educate the children that there is such thing as sex.

    Cikgu memang paling sesuai nak ajar, tapi sedikit pun tak kurangkan tanggungjawab mak ayah utk terlibat sama. sebab kalau jadi apa2 bukan cikgu2 yg akan susah. mak ayah jugak yg akan derita seumur hidup.

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