A rich man gets on a train to go on a trip. Apparently he share his cabin with an old man. To pass the time the man decides to play a game with the old man.
“I will ask you a question and if you get it wrong, you have to pay me RM1 (thinking that the old man must be poor). Then you ask me a question, any question… and if I get it wrong, you get RM10. You ask me a question first.” The old man thinks for a while.
“I know. What has three legs, takes 3 hours to climb up a palm tree, and 12 seconds to get back down?”
The rich man is confused, he thinks long and hard about the question. Finally, the train ride is coming to an end. As it pulls into the station, the rich man takes out 10 ringgits and gives it to the old man.
“I don’t know. What has 3 legs, takes 3 hours to get up a palm tree and 12 seconds to get back down?”
The old man takes the RM10 and puts it into his pocket. He then takes out RM1 and hands it to the rich man And said calmly, “I don’t know.”
Lesson learnt
- Do not get yourself in a bad deal (unless the rich man actually want to donate the money)
- Never assume people are stupid just because they dressed poorly.
From a point of view, the rich man seems to underestimate the old man, thinking that he is supoerior than him. Never underestimate people, especially older generation. They may not know much about the internet and such, but their experience are priceless.
I seriously enjoy talking to older generation. And I have learnt so much from them. Like my grandmother, sometimes she told us her side of story during the Japanese Occupation in the 50s and how hard it is to live back then. But that is maybe in another post 🙂
————–Personal Note————-
I remember when I was in form 5, I studied in Klang, so every Raya, we will book one coach of train especially for us. I’m not sure how it is now, but in those years there was no seat number.You should know that travelling by train is very tiring due to its longer time so at one point, I got so tired of sitting, I went for a walk from coach to coach. I went not that long, and when I came back to my seat, the seat was already taken by a woman, with a crib hanging for her baby. How can I ask her to leave. heheh yes that fast. What I did, was to sit at the stairs (very dangerous) and “berangan” all the way home.I’m thinking of going back to Kedah by train again. not this year.. booked already a flight ticket on the second raya 🙂
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haha nice story, nice story
and vice versa , i think older people pun jangan laa pandang rendah pada org muda….
“u org muda, i makan garam dah lama dari u”
because ada pepatah
“muda tak semestinya anak, tua tak semestinya bapa”
filantera – apalah guna makan garam banyak kan? buat darah tinggi je 🙂
alang2 share quote – yg tua dihormati, yg muda disayangi 🙂
tapi tu la, kalau kite nak org hormat pada kita, kita pun kena hormati org tu, agaknya sama jugak le org tua org muda ni
Agagagaga…great joke la Banji..Org kaya kadang pandang rendah kat org lain..Biasa la 2..I biasa amalkan quotes “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”..A’a..tak baik mkn garam byk sgt..Ssh klo dpt darah tgi nnt..
Aiyooo…teringin nak naik train lagi la..Last naik KTM masa umo 12thn kot..JB-KL tapi i enjoy that trip bab naik 1’st class..Agagaga..Tapi 1’st class dulu and skrg still sama ke??eh… komuter kira train gak kan.. :)) kelakar..
ara – walaupun konsep dia sama, tapi bagi saya, ktm ngan komuter tak sama 🙂 mungkin ktm tu antara yg menarik ialah the long hour dan boleh jalan2 sepanjang train tu 🙂 berenti stesyen ikut suka hati…
tak tau le kat first class ade ke tak, tapi dulu kadang2 pukul 2 3 pagi, akan ada org naik train tu jual nasi lemak ngan kopi bungkus. perh heaven tol, org tu akan turun the next station dan naik train lain agaknya 🙂
yeah, like the story.
and yes, I always love travelling by train. Just love it as it is, don’t really know why, hehee.. x)
Mmg tak sama pun..Agagagaga..erm.tak ingat la Banji sal jual nasi lemak 2..Bab masa i naik dulu..1’st class kan..selesa siot smpi tdo tak sedar dunia..Agagaga..ye la..train ngan goyang nye mcm kena dodoi je..Agagaga..sedar2 dah smpi KL..
Fuh..i love travelling 2..tak kira la..jauh ke dekat ke..paling suka if travelling kai kapal terbang..Mgkn bab i dr kecik dah naik kapal terbang..umo 8bln..Agagagaga..
Kalau tampin-kedah, the journey takde la lame sgt if compare let say klntn-kl sbb kena pg gemas dulu kan..
my second choice after flight is train. kalu dah tkde jln lain baru naik bas.
anyway, ktm skang selesa klu banding dulu. can lepak at cafe some more! first class got private cube lagi, loving it.
yg paling penting, tak pernah lagi ade train masuk longkang and jatuh gaung (God forbid or else flight will be my only option which means tk boleh travel sesuka hati lagi).
Tapi don’t sit la bro. Sakit blakang nnti. Amek 2nd class wit sleeping bench dah ok. Sleep aaalll the way tgk2 dah sampai. 🙂
huh…naik train sentimental bro…
Choo choo train running on the track…
tapi banji balik raya nak cepat naik flight..
I’m leaving on a jet plane…
heheh…teringat lagu lagu lama..sebab kita pun org lama..
azuwachan – 🙂 u must really love travelling with train then, when’s ur last time?
ara – tido dlm train mmg mcm kena dodoi. hehe dan tak macam bas, boleh tido proper dlm first class. second class takleh la.. kalau org lalu kat pintu, dan pintu terbuka, dah bunyi bising 🙂 tapi lama2 immune lah dan pengsan all the same hehe
8 bulan dah naik flight? mesti setakat telinga tiba2 sumbat tu dah bukan lagi problem kan? 🙂
intan – lebih selesa? hm harapnya lah… tapi first class ni ada disediakan makanan ke? last time jalan2 dlm train nampak gak cafe dia, tapi takut la nak beli, student lagi time tu.. takde duit hehe
dan betul apa yg intan cakap, setakat ni takde lagi kes ktm kita jatuh gaung atau masuk laut (mcm bas kat johor tu). mungkin sebab dia bawak slow ya amat kut hehe. apa pun, mintak2 le takde kes2 mcm tu 🙂
believe it or not, tok saya cerita, zaman dia dulu… keretapi seat dia bangku kayu. adoi tak boleh bayangkan le betapa kematunye punggung lepas tu huhu
beib – wah siap ada background music 🙂 mungkin lagu utk balik raya naik kereta is
papaku pulang dari kota
papaku belikan kereta
heheh 🙂 mesti banyak kenangan manis dlm train ni beib.. agaknya kenal2 mrs beib kat situ kut?
banji..the last time I took a train was last march..KL-Arau, nak ke Langkawi…
letih banget dok second class tu..patut amik bunker tu better..boleh tido all the way..but my kids enjoyed the journey very much…ayah dia letih kehulu kehilir sebab takleh tido duduk..seksa!!
uncleJ – last march? I went to Langkawi last march.. for our honeymoon. it was 26/3 to 30/3 🙂 maybe we came across each other at the time.
first time ke langkawi time tu, walaupun org kedah 🙂
saya pun jenis yg takleh tido duduk, kecuali mmg penat sgt. tapi itu dah dikira pengsan hehe
hohoho..Euro train sgt sedap and nti nak explore ‘the orient express’ on my honeymoon!! yehhahhh…exciting,awesome and I’m sure sexiting too..tehehehhehe..*wink wink*
Salam lebaran Banji, tgn dihulur maaf dipinta…
kali terakhir naik train mase pi vacation dgn family ke Johor Baharu tahun lepas. Best giler, I really missed it, huhu~
even ayah yg prefer naik bas (sbb lagi cepat) kena ikut kehendak saye naik train pegi dan balik, hehee… x)
noushy – that’s going to be a very nice honeymoon 🙂 when again is your wedding?
selamat hari raya to you too…. maaf zahir batin 🙂
azuwachan – best kan? heheh ala sekali sekala, sure ayah wawa tu tak kisah. lagipun nama pun vacation… kena banyak berehat dan enjoy the trip.
baca komen semua org.. terasa nak ambik cuti je gi mana2 naik train. tapi nanti le bile the mrs dah ok 🙂
first class pun takde makanan. and tak best la kalu makanan delivered kan. lagi syok jalan2 kat cafe die. murah je. affordable 😀 u take the bed la nnti leh tito same2 mrs, romantik sket. eh ur gonna have kid soon. tkleh2. lol.
intan – puasa intan.. puasa heheh 🙂
tapi agaknya le kut, naik ketapi ni romantik.. sebab cite industan manjang ade je ketapi 🙂