Summary – The 5 Factors To Success
Last week, there was an accident happened just outside my mill. Luckily nobody’s injured. The lorry was bringing out soil from the construction project inside my mill out. When it was time to unload all the soil, the lorry toppled. Upon checking, we concluded that the accident was merely caused by the wrong spot chosen. The driver chosed softer soil and thus toppled
“Sekian dulu, berita jam 3 pagi” hehe.
For things to happen or succeed in our life, 5 factors must be available. If one of them is not considered, the whole project will be uselessly a failure.
Once you read this, I bet you will say… that this is all last year’s story. We all already know this. But we often forget about these factors and then wonder why everything we work in our life is a failure. These are the 5 factors of success
1) Factor 1 – Person In Charge
In anything, there must always be a person in charge. The mistake we did is sometimes there are no person in charge or just too many people in charge. At all time, there must be only one person in charge. Other people can be placed under that one person answering to that one person.
That is why, even if the company has a lot of directors, they still appoint one person to be the CEO. This person will be the one who will push the project to success. In my specific case, the person is the driver.
2) Factor 2 – Tools
Tools can be in many forms. For a workshop foreman, his tools are the spannar and plyer. For a CEO, his tools are the money and power. Without tools, nobody can do a good job.
The tools for this unfortunate driver is the lorry. He will just be a man if there is no lorry to drive. 🙂
3) Factor 3 – Knowhow / Skills
The driver must actually know how to drive for him to be a driver. Anybody can claim he is the CEO of a company, but without the knowledge and skill to manage a company, the company is doomed to fail.
Unfortunately for us, some businessmen that I know lack the skills on how to do business. Sometimes they acted like we are owing money from them. Don’t they know that without customers, their business will go down the drain?
4) Factor 4 – ?
Hm I’m going to continue this entry tomorrow, Can you guess what’s the fourth factor is? Let’s hear your guess 🙂
————- Personal Note ——————
I believe most of us have had experience with bad businessman. The most recent one I had was with a food hawker. I frequent his stall (during my bachelor time) because the food was good. I usually will take the same items every day, so I sort of know that my breakfast will be RM1.5 every day. So one day, I was packing my food as usual, when I can see the boss of the stall come right at me, and ask her worker what’s the price of my food, The worker said, RM1.50. and then she took my food and check herself, and said this should be RM2.00.
Now, I know she had every right to do that. but, I’m a regular customer everyday at the stall. And for her to do that, really annoy me. Why can’t she just call the worker after I leave and told her to raise the price starting tomrrow, or just give me the discount..
She just lose one regular customer from that day on.
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hehe…nice story bro…
hunt for the frequent comers n not for the one time comers .
your company will go far.
as for tools… i agree…without the tools… a man is just a man. nothing more.
I don’t have any clue 2 comment abt this..Agagaga..But it’s a good entry..Adoi..tak kan i menggong balik kot..Agagaga…
DaPocket – yup, frequent customer will serve as steady income. one time customer is year end bonus. if u go for the year end bonus, u might be eating maggi all year long.
aRa – no la, bukang menggong. happen to me all the time. just one of those days… the aRa I know, is full of stories to share 🙂