I’m actually spending the night reading back my previous entries. Trying to come up with a list of ten of my best entries. I end up with 36 entries, each is equally special to another. Now that is not a top ten.

So for my fellow friends who are a bit free today, can I ask you a favor? This is only if you have an extra time helping me.

Kindly check the archive of this blog, and maybe just go through the list of articles there. All I need from you are your favorite articles among the 206 articles there..

You can give me any number of articles, and I am not expecting you to read all the entries. Even though, I’m sure you will enjoy them 🙂

This survey will not only help other friends to benefit from your favorite articles, it will help me to produce better topics in the future.

Again, I understand if everyone’s busy. But for those who aren’t, please help me ya 🙂 I will be forever appreciating it. Thank you dear friends

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  1. 09 Jan 08 1:11 am

    Ok…nak baca smua mmg tak larat..Agagaga..nak catch up mana tertinggal ni pun nasib…agagagaga but i ade 1 entry yg i suka…”The Secret To Washing Dishes”… Why???tak smua org akan terfikir akan buat this topic..

    Mcm lain dr yg lain la…and i got to know how u wash ur dishes…Agagagaga…

  2. banji
    10 Jan 08 1:19 am

    aRa – the secret to washing dishes… hm I like that one too, Truthfully I love every article I wrote, simply because I think each is very useful to each of us, especially me the person writing it

    thanx aRa for that… 🙂

banji Read LessonInLife.com In Your Email

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