Guys.. this just comes in, I’ve to undergo an interview on 3rd of January. Not that I’m looking for another job. It’s just a routine quiz for engineers in my company. So if I ever want to be promoted, this will be my chance 🙂
Thus… I will be away for about 2 days (There will be no post on 2nd and 3rd of January). It is because, I need to restudy all those manual and notes. Wish me luck!! 🙂
p.s. Yes, I know… it does feel like I’m back in the university hehe
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wah!!… good luck to the Banji!!
wish u all the best bro.
Will be in S’pore when u take the exam.
Hopefully all goes well
DaPocket – tq tq… enjoy urself in Singapore 🙂
so jealous of you huhu
aik…ambik cuti lebih ek…Agagagaga…How’s ur interview??
aRa – Alhamdulillah, boleh lah jual diri sket 🙂 still banyak lagi kena belajar