It’s proven, I don’t have any artistic bone in my body 🙂 Give me a machine and I can tweak it around until I know everything there is to know about it. But trying to come up with a beautifully designed header graphic is a near impossible task for me. So do excuse any poorly designed graphic here. It’s the best I can come up with :).
Allow me to welcome you to the new face of the blog. Hopefully it will be an improvement from the previous ones. There are so many reasons I had to resort to change the theme, but I don’t want to bore you with the details. Suffice to say, that the change is necessary.
So again I will have to apologize today, for not posting today. A lot of things need to be tweaked. However, I really appreciate it if you can help me see if there’s anything else I can improve on. I might miss something.
thanx friends..
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Banji…not bad…tapi nak comment ckit…Part page nye nombor kat atas itew…dekat sgt ngan tajuk…Is it my computer/mata??? Gangu ckit nak baca the title..
Yg lain ok…simple but penuh informasi…
aRa – thanx ara… already fixed 🙂 mmg tgh cuba nak simplify the design, kalau nampak apa2 lagi, bagitau ye
huhuuu.. banji nyer new layout rawks:D
tp cam formal nyeee:D …
but then again..the info is a formal info so… ok la kut 🙂
DaPocket – thanx bro, hm it is a bit normal right? I’m thinking they are due to very less graphic, what do you think?