Summary – How to be free from the zombie trap of working
I previously wrote an entry on the tips for first day at work. So many friends joined in and added additional ideas to it.
But what happens next? So for those that had already worked, are there any tips?
There’s one thing that may be worth sharing. It’s on how to free yourself from the zombie trap. These questions can determine whether or not you are already trapped.
1) What is it about the job that makes you happy? the freedom, the money, the colleague or the girl/guy you’re eyeing ๐
2) When you go back this evening, can you predict what’s your work going to be like tomorrow?
3) How’s the boss? friendly? enemy? Do you even have any friends?
4) Did you improve when compared to yourself when you first started working? knowledge, experience, attitude, qualification wise?
5) If you are on leave for 1 months, can somebody else do your job?
6) We work to make money, do you have an emergency fund (at least 6 month of your salary)?
We go to work, work, go back home and collect money end of the month. This is very much like a zombie. It is a very soul-depleting process. We are supposed to gain more than just money in working such as friends, experience, knowledge etc
To summarize : A person free from the zombie trap will work for 5 years and by the end of the 5 years –
- He can resign from the job anytime, and the company will make an increased offer for him just to make him stay
- Other competitive companies had already proposed to him, and anytime he resigned they will take him
- He had a six month emergency fund.. maybe more.
- He make friends in the company (lots of friend)
- He is now an expert in what he do. Nobody can do what he does
- He now know what exactly he want from his life
– I wonder –
How do you think we can be free of this trap? maybe writing up a resignation letter dated 5 years in the future. It will remind us to be very secured when the time come. (The letter is just for reminder only, not to be submitted)
Any other tips?
———— Personal Note ————-
I have this dream of becoming self employed. But in order to do that, I must be very secured with my source of income. And the work must be something I enjoy doing.
Hopefully 2008 will be the year I started my very very small business, a lemonade stall perhaps.. ๐ Amiin
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Agagagaga…lom pernah experience this..Lom penah keje lagi..ntah nak comment ape..tapi i agree ngan the 5 years itew…yg pasti if nak resign in 5 years time…kena keje tak hingat dunia la..ye la..br bos pandang kan..Agagagaga..
yup! i can resign at any time, i can make a lotsss of frend in working area, i do workaholic & get paid every month..
damn! im i a zombie a.k.a bangkai bernyawa? uhuks
ok… lets see..
i cant quit now..
i dont have 6 month of salary as an emergency funds
i do have lots of friends … but all of them is just work friends… i didnt even went to tea with them out side of work. Does that count?
my work mine… no one else can do it. if i’m out of the company for 3 days. then the line will down. but… still there are people covering my ass… basically saying… i’m replaceable in 2 weeks…
i can very much predict what is going to happen tomorrow.
Dang!! i’m a work zombie!!
aRa – yup, yg penting.. mesti kena jadi berharga :), tak semestinya resign dalam 5 tahun tapi kena usahakan supaya org perasan la kewujudan kita ni
yanz – if u can resign anytime and had already made a lot of friends, thats the mark of people free from being a zombie worker. the key is that you are valuable to the company
I’m sure you are…, looking at ur work so far ๐
DaPocket – I believe most people are zombie worker, but the most important thing is that we realize it and wanted to be freed from it in 5 years
As long as we strive to get there, we are not trapped
dear bro..
i think i’m one of them now.. zombie kampung pisang.. eheh
i answered all the given questions here..
so let’s see wether i really am zombie at work..
1) What is it about the job that makes you happy? the freedom, the money, the colleague or the girl/guy youโre eyeing
i would say when i got this job it was merely for the sake of getting a job.. but then..”berkhidmat untuk negara” became a motivation..oh yeah.. the pay is not that bad..with the increment and all.. it was okay.. and the colleagues.. yerp i hv the best team…. we do hate each other as much as we love each one of us.. haha and after a while the b..u..n.. spirit is fading.. more of s..y..m..p.. but now.. i think i work so that i can pay for all the indulgence i can enjoy over the weekend..hahaha
2) When you go back this evening, can you predict whatโs your work going to be like tomorrow?
ooo yes.. every detail..it will be pretty much the same of any other working day
3) Howโs the boss? friendly? enemy? Do you even have any friends?
boss.. ok.. we can discuss things..friends..wo..i hv plenty…and a few close friends whom i trust tanpa berbelah bagi too..
4) Did you improve when compared to yourself when you first started working? knowledge, experience, attitude, qualification wise?
ermm.. i don’t know.. knowledge ..definitelly.. i always thought why didn’t i study law before..haha.. well there’s alot of lesson-learnt.. sungguh..
5) If you are on leave for 1 months, can somebody else do your job?
woaaahhh.. yes.. my colleague can always take over..we are doing the exact same thing..but he will have to work extra hours and will became a serious caffeine-addict that look like a real zombie in 2 weeks.
6) We work to make money, do you have an emergency fund (at least 6 month of your salary)?6 months?
ermmm.. got some savings but it will burnt out ..with the inflation and high cost of living.. no.. 6 months savings will mengalir laju ke muara..heh..
ermm.. so how banji?
I’m not really a zombie eh?..but i may be on the right track of becoming one..
nolee – hehe zombie kampung pisang is beyond repair, I can’t help u with that
On an unrelated note, the questions are actually asked to gauge how well we know our job.
The first question : is to determine whether we are happy with our current job. We need to know this simply because if not we may have worked for the unwillingly. Maybe there’s better job out there that we will love
The second question : It’s very hard to find a job that doesn’t have any repetition at all. So repetition is sometimes unavoidable. But, as long as we know we are now stuck at the same thing, maybe we can try new things just to increase our own exposure and experience.
The third question : the boss is another factor to consider. They should always be looked as the position we are aiming for. Think about it, if we really have a chance to be the boss, then maybe the job is worth our time, if not….
The fourth question : This is an important question. If your resume still look the same after 5 years of working, you really have achieve nothing (career wise)
The fifth question : We can talk all we want, but in the end, we work for money. if we are not able to save money, we need to change. attitude most importantly
Hopefully the question will serve as an eye opener instead of being a gauge to know how much a zombie are you ๐
p.s. : b.u.n spirit? are you conjuring spirit from bun and bread? heheh