It’s that time again to recap what has been discussed here in January 2008. What a great start it has been. 🙂
5 Most Commented Articles
- Donkey And Perception (15)
- Never Search For Missing Things Again.. EVER (13)
- 7 Minutes To Kickstart A Beautiful Day (13)
- Mixed Signals.. What To Do? (11)
- Important Skill You Must Have – Describe Faces (9)
Banji’s Must Read Article
For the whole 25 articles of January, you can proceed to the archive
Blog’s progress
- The blog had been redesigned on the 17th. It had undergone a few design in its entire life, but so far.. I’m the happiest with this one. Unless something go horribly wrong, I will stick to this one 🙂
- If you notice, there is a check button just below the “SUBMIT COMMENT” button with the option to notify you of followup comments via email. I’m sure most of you are already familiar with it, but for the benefit of those who don’t.. if you check the button and submit your comment, you will receive any new comments to the post via your email, which generally mean you will not be left out in the discussion. Try it.. Of course you can unsubscribe anytime you want via the email
Monthly’s Personal Note
Brought the mrs for a baby scan and for the first time seeing my baby. He/She is so active almost like waving to me. 🙂 The doctor was almost certain that she’s a she.. I haven’t stopped smiling since 🙂
My mother’s BP had reduced to 130/90 which is still on the high side but clearly an improvement. Alhamdulillah
It has been an exciting month. A very good start in 2008. February is going to be even more interesting especially with the biggest event of all, DaPocket’s wedding on the 8th of February.
Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on this 🙂 “Selamat Pengantin Baru!”
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