
Summary – Friday : The day to contact Lost Friends

I just went through my phonebook (in my handphone of course), and I come across my ex-roommate. He is a very dear friend of mine, and I suddenly remembered that he hasn’t called me for quite some time.

At that point, I faced two feeling. One is that feeling of wanting to call him back, just to say hi. Another is that pride thing where I think I had called him quite a lot already, and it’s his turn to call me back.

Of course I chosed calling him. And after a while, I realized that it was me that has changed my phone number and didn’t bother to give him. Whether or not he will call me if I’m still using the old number is not an issue. I should always give him the benefit of a doubt and never assume.

/end story

Guys, I know that there are some of your friends out there that you haven’t call or email. Today is the perfect day to do just that. Pick up the phone, SMS or call him/her. Friendship is just too valuable just to be sacrificed for pride. Even if he/she never make the first move, that should not be an excuse for you to do the same.

Cherish your friendship. You have taken quite a lot of time nurturing them, selecting your friends.. Why throw it away over a petty pride.

Of course they are friends that are just not worth it. But isn’t it always better to have 10 useless friends than no friend at all


  • Choose one friend from your phonebook
  • Call him / SMS him / email him now
  • Put up a reminder in your handphone calendar, to contact another friend next week.

– I wonder –
How about you reply this article by telling us about a friend of yours? A name and how you become friends would be great

———– Personal Note ———–
Let me start, the person I just called is Bahim. He is now working in Toyota and just got married last year in March. I apparently wasn’t invited simply because I changed my phone number,Fortunately I called.

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  1. Marian
    25 Feb 08 6:11 pm

    I really like this idea and tried it out the last Saturday afternoon (seem to me that people are more relaxed on this weekend’s day).
    Works great.
    I’ve called an old friend of mine (also an ex-roomate) and was surprised how good it felt for both of us to chat for a while.
    After the call, I was feeling great. First, I’ve instantly felt more confident that I’ve made the first move (someone has to start). Second, I’ve strengthened our friendship and found that we’ve not forgotten each other. And third, I know that I’ve cheered up my friend a lot (e.g. by being interested in the news in her life).
    …And of course, I’ve immediately scheduled a call with another friend for next Saturday. And I’m definitely looking forward to it.

  2. banji
    25 Feb 08 8:52 pm

    marian – well done marian 🙂 I know exactly the feeling when we know we have become the bigger man. There’s no shame in making the first move. Most of the time, people will respect you even more.

    Also, scheduling another call to another friend is just as important, since we can always forget. There will be time, very soon, when that will become a habit and there is no more need to schedule. We will do it naturally

    A pleasure knowing you marian, come again and share your experience here 🙂

  3. 05 Mar 08 12:13 am

    Aiyoooo…kengkawan i nun jauh di sana…mmg layak di call/sms tapi malangnya…hanya i aje yg ingat diaorg..abis hanya i aje yg call/sms diaorg…kadang fkr sedih gak…diaorg tak ingat i ke???but 2 la…di kejauhan ni…smua jadi kedekut krdt nak call/sms…tapi i mmg rajin sms diaorg cuma kadang no reply… Sob sob sob…

  4. banji
    05 Mar 08 7:25 pm

    aRa – hm takpelah, kalau diorg tak balas, mungkin ada masalah lain tu, aRa pun tak perlu sms selalu sgt, yg penting dalam setahun tu sekali dua..

    lagipun duit ara skrg utamakan yg lebih penting dulu, plenty of time later for that

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