
Summary – “Powerful Questions” experiment

I am thinking of starting an experiment today. An experiment that if done correctly, we will achieve more in one day compared to what we achieve inΒ one whole week. It’s very easy and I’m sure we can all benefit from it. Ready?

Task 1 : Family
Take note of the time and set your alarm in your phone to 1 hour from now. Answer this question – What two things we can do now (not later, not tomorrow, but NOW) to show to our family how much we love them?

Quickly figure out the answer to that question. To kickstart the experiment, here are some examples of answers :

  • I should call my mother over the phone and really talk to her, asking her this and that
  • I will write a very short letter addressed to all my family members and put it in writing of how much I love them

There are only 3 rules to the experiment

  • We can only do 2 things for each questions, so it is very important to choose action that will have the best impact.
  • The answers must be in term of action, not something vague like “I want to be nicer to my parent” or “I will make them happy”. It is also very important that the action is an action we can do immediately. For example, if you’re on a plane, write a thank you card maybe
  • You have only 1 hour to finish your task. When the alarm goes off, do the next task. Of course if you finish the first task in 5 minutes, you can choose between straight away do the next task, or wait for your alarm.

Interested? Here are your next task

Task 2 : Spouse / Loved One
What 2 things you can do now to appreciate your spouse?

Task 3 : Career
What 2 things you can do now that will help you be promoted?

Task 4 : Knowledge
What 2 things you can research on the internet now and remember for the rest of your life?

Task 5 : Health
What 2 things you can do now to sweat?

That’s already 10 things done in 5 hours. Not bad! Of course there are more topics to cover and I’m sure you can help me there.

Most of the time, the best way to get things done, is to just plain do something about it. Imagine we spend every hour in our life, doing something that really matters like your answers above (Of course among other things).. That person must be very successful πŸ™‚

– I wonder –
Do you have any other suggestion of questions to be answered and practised?

———— Personal Note ————
Just come back from the mill. There’s a contractor installing gearbox and its corresponding motor. However they left the work unfinished, the alignment is all out. So I have to call up my foreman and work together with him to correct the situation. It’s 1 am and I’m very hungry and tired. Good night everyone

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Appreciated action :

This post has 9 comments.

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  1. 28 Feb 08 11:50 am

    I’m actually reading a Chiken Soup for the Soul-Living Your Dream book.
    Your theory is really as the same as what the book tells; “the best way to get things done, is to just plain do something about it.”
    Like having a dream, the author stresses on how when you put your dreams into words and write it on a paper, it’ll trigger your consciousness to act upon what you wrote. It’ll inspire you to make your dream becomes a reality.
    A very motivational book. Everyone should read it πŸ™‚

  2. 28 Feb 08 1:40 pm

    Great tip!

  3. 28 Feb 08 1:44 pm

    azuwachan – wow I don’t know the idea was made into a book. Hm perhaps I should venture into one πŸ™‚

    Anyway, it’s really a good resource these dream of ours. Allah didn’t make anything just for the heck of it. They must be something useful we can do with it. We just have to figure out how.

    For those who may confuse with what we are talking about, I wrote an article previously on how to dream beautiful and meaningful dream. enjoy πŸ™‚

  4. 28 Feb 08 1:45 pm

    3POINT8 – I just noticed your comments after I submitted my reply to azuwachan.. thanx for the support πŸ™‚

  5. 28 Feb 08 5:44 pm

    1am and u’r home, now that’s really tiring right…
    well… one thing for me would be.
    two thing for me:
    1)finish up the Wedding photo.
    2)Cleanse my hard drive from any photo which may cause even the slightest jealousy to me wife.
    nomore sexy frenz..
    nomore photo with previous fling.
    but am gonna keep the pic of me previous GF. Just as a friend. huhuuuuuu
    (can or not?)

  6. banji
    28 Feb 08 11:38 pm

    DaPocket – hows the wedding photo coming on? I’m very sure they are all not up to your expectation. Very sorry though

    about that cleansing ceremony. I think that would be wise. It all comes back to “Is it worth it?” concept πŸ™‚ I don’t think anything worth jeopardizing the happiness of the both of you

    Good luck!

  7. 05 Mar 08 12:28 am

    Never tot of that before…harus cuba…tapi bila yek…

  8. banji
    05 Mar 08 7:08 pm

    hm why not skrg..

    apa yg aRa boleh buat skrg yg boleh improve your life?
    review your resume maybe, or suprise your parent and tell them how much you love them πŸ™‚

  9. Stellar
    26 Apr 13 10:13 pm

    1. Hug my husband wihtout saying anything.
    2. Just be together, engage a conversation as usual

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