We are going to have a lucky draw this week. This is the first time a contest ever be held here in LessonInLife, so I’m really excited and hope that everyone reading will participate.
The prize
There will be 3 winners and the prizes are 3 license keys to FruitfulTime TaskManager and 3 spots for Premium 125X125 Advertisement here in LessonInLife for one whole month. The total prize worth is USD $150 or equivalent to RM450.
About FruitfulTime TaskManager – I have tried the software on their 10 day trial offer. It basically a to do list software that helps you get things done in a more organized way while keeping track of your long to do list. You will have to download the software at their website and if you win, you can use the key to continue use the software. Personal review – definitely worth more than USD $30, and you will be getting this impressive taskmanager software free here if you win π
Tell me about the contest
There are three ways to participate – Leave comment, subscribe via email or post about the contest in your blog. Each participation will give you entries. The more entries you have, the more chances your name will be picked.
The winner will be selected randomly. And by random I mean, like picking a name from a jar of names (literally).
The contest will start from 16th March 2008 to 27th March 2008 (Malaysia Time). The winners will be announced on the 28th March 2008
Winners must reply the email sent to you in 48 hours after the announcement, or the winning will be forfeited and another lucky winner drawn.
How to participate
There are three ways to participate. You can choose one, or do all three.
1) Leaving comment to this contest post.
Just leave your comment to this post. I will count each comment as 2 entries.
What to comment about? You can comment on these items
- How to further improve LessonInLife
- Or just introduce yourself
- Or ask me questions..
- Or a simple “Hi banji, I’m in!”
2) Subscription via email
Click Here. A new page in your browser will direct you to the form. Enter your email address in the form. You will receive an email immediately asking you to confirm. Logon to your email and confirm. Once you had confirmed, I will count that participation as 10 entries. The more entries you have, the better chances for you to win the lucky draw.
For those who may not be familiar with subscription. By subscribing, you will receive LessonInLife’s article automatically via email everyday. This will not only save you time, it will also guarantee you that no articles are missed. You will also be able to read them at your convenient time.
No string attached, you can unsubscribe anytime you want and rest assured, that your email address will not be used for other purposes. You have my word.
3) Posting about this contest in your blog,
All you need to do, is to put up a post in your blog about this contest / this blog with at least one link to this post, inform me via the comment section for me to verify and you will earn yourself 20 entries.
That’s 10 times more chance of winning!
The entries can be about anything, the contest, the blog etc. And I will reciprocate by linking back (dofollow) to you in this post.
For those who may not comfortable with subscribing or posting about this contest in yuor blog, you can enter by leaving comments. However, bear in mind, participant that do all which subscribe, post and leave a comment will have 16 times more chance of winning than those who just comment.
Still, it’s a lucky draw.. Anyone can win. π
Terms & Condition
- In addition to the announcement of the winners in the blog, winners will be sent an email informing him/her of the winning. He/she must reply the email in 48 hours or his/her winning will be forfeited and the prize be given to another lucky winner.
- Readers who already subscribe to email, automatically receive 10 entries. Still, You must leave a comment to participate
- My general policy on commenting applies as stated in the Disclaimer.
- I reserve the right to modify any terms & condition as I see fit. And all results are final.
Remember, it’s a lucky draw, anyone can win, but you can only win if you participate π
BlogΒ PostΒ PromotingΒ TheΒ Contest
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Ye Ke Banji..
mrozaidi – Mrozaidi +2 entries
Memang betul… dan dgn comment ni, you’re already in the competition π
Cool, I’m in..Managing our time are very crucial nowadays..Hope to get one..hehe
soleh – Soleh +2 entries
From what I can see in the software, the software will help definitely. but still, the most important thing is our discipline π
nak nak nak !!
because after reviewing meself, i think am doing a crap job of keeping log on the ‘to do list’
heharapnya buleh menang π
DaPocket – DaPocket +2 entries
Wah dah ada tiga peserta, kalau takda org lain join.. tiga2 dapat hadiah π
Come on guys.. takkan nak bagi bulat2 kat tiga2 ni hehe
It’s sound very interesting.. of course im in.. π
taqeyyabella – Taqeyyabella +2 entries
Now there’s a challenge. π Up until now, there are already 4 guys in, No girls?
tapikan yg sakitnye kan banji..kite xpenah langsung menang bnde2 ni..tu yg malas nak main tu..huhu
salam banji,
is it still on??
sorry for the lack of update..
sungguh busy with proposal..
Aku telah dijemput, so i’m in. Thanks Banji
salam banji…hihihi ade gak lucky draw kat blog ekk…best2..
emm hope i’m the lucky one π
hey banji.. ur taskmanager kinda cool! im in definitely.. been looking for this kind of organizer software to dwnld.. π
i’m in i’m in.. excited gk ni.. π
muga terpilih ameenn.. [-o<
tengkiyu sudi beri pluang [-o< muga kte sme2 dimurhkn rezeki ameen [-o<
faez – faez +2 entries, mmg lah, sungguh mengecewakan, tapi kalau langsung tak try, mesti confirm takkan menang kan? π
diha – diha +2 entries, yup still on, sampai 27 Mac,
draxter – draxter +2 entries, thanx to you!
gina – gina +2 entries, ada, kebetulan ada sponsor nak support, apa salahnya.. sebagai tanda terima kasih pada yg membaca π
aunt nora – aunt nora +2 entries, you can actually download the free 10 days trial of the software to know whether it suits you. But from what I see, it’s quite useful
sakiinah – sakiinah +2 entries, tengkiyu pada sakiinah for the support π
sy klu dh tetapkn hati nkkan sesuatu.. sy tak akan berlengah lagi.. terus go for it .. menang kalah belakang kira.. tak mahu ler menyesal di belakang hari sbb lepaskan peluang begitu aje!
hi banji. sory for late visiting. so bz lately n dont have much time to surf, even blogging. btw, i’m in! =D
Salam to banji..hehehehe…. Sy dah jenguk Lesson in Life nih… Anyway , keep a good workk….hehehehe
Salam banji…lama tk masuk sini…thaniah semakin banyak pembaharuan…iap ada contest lagi…tahniah..keep it up fried…gud luck
i’m the world’s biggest procastinator..hehe.. so i think deserved the time planner *giggle*
it’s great when you have this kind of idea to promote your site..mine has gone downhill lately, i definitely need some kind of ‘injection’ for it.. to cure the malaise in me and also to give me more idea AND time to things that could possibly make an impact in this world.
and the worst thing about working is: having a too long to do list
on the plus side: less time on the net..hehe
kita cuma perlu berikan komen saje ke?
nak menang nak menang nak menang nak menang nak menang
da ramai yang join rupanya hurmmm…agak2 leh menang tak bro…
norashburn – Nor Ash Burn +2 entries, that’s the spirit.. at least kite takkan salahkan diri kita kalau terlepas. masa pun tak tunggu kita, buat apa nak tunggu dia right?
moon – moon +2 entries, takpe, terima kasih banyak2 sudi jugak luangkan masa support blog ni π
shakirah – shakirah +2 entries, InsyaAllah, akan terus diusahakan.. perlukan sokongan semua
denan – denan +2 entries, ada rezeki lebih sikit, share lah dengan kawan2, tak gitu? π terima kasih kembali pada cikgu.
anne – anne +2 entries, Don’t worry about how to change the world. It actually starts here within us π Improving ourselves each day, will make that impact
alan – alan +2 entries, cukup sekadar bagi komen, ni free giftaway nih π tapi kalau buat step 2 & 3 akan lebih banyak peluang lah utk menang π
Salam banji….Im in…hihiihhiihi
that’s right.. but there’s always another way to change the world, if only one person decided to change after reading your entries, it’s a big accomplishment already kan? π
assalamualaikum bro..!i’m in..!hehe..check out my blog..
dhiya zafira – dhiya zafira +2 entries, long time no hear π
anne – True.. I would feel so worth it if these humble articles can motivate anyone to better himself. I guess that’s my way of contributing to the world..
Of course, the articles are meant more for me to improve first π
GoD’s sLaVe – GoD’s sLaVe +22 entries, why twenty two? check out her blog… She had completed the third task of the lucky draw which is to announce the lucky draw in her blog π Good job GS
hi banji,
first time here.
luckily,ade contest plak tu π
hope i’ll be d lucky one!
eh,kalau saye post du komen,kira 4 entries la kan?yeke?
qemmal – qemmal +12 entries, welcome to the blog π malangnya, walaupun dua comment, masih dianggap sebagai 2 entries.. tapi masih ada peluang, just announcekan contest ni diblog qemmal, secara automatik akan dapat extra 20 entries..
Kalau ada yang tertanya kenapa qemmal dapat 12 entries, sbb beliau telah sempurnakan task kedua, subscribe by email π
Horay HOray… semoga APP berjaya!!!
AkakPokPek – Amiin π
owh ok,skarang 12 entries la π
thanks banji.
task lg satu,tunggu dan lihat π
nk join π
hait,task terakhir sudah beres π
qemmal qemmal – an extra 20 entries for you making you now with 32 entries π Nicely done…
You should have 16 more chance to win this than other people who just comment here.
Guys – you can increase your chance by doing the same just like qemmal, subscribe via email or announce the contest in your blog.
wilda – wilda +2 entries, you’re in π
hopefully, i’m the lucky one to win the lucky draw… π
1st kumen…sori x check blog, so baru tau pasal contest nih..harap2 tak terlambat la ye…hehehe
Ika960 – Ika960 +2 entries, masih belum terlambat.. jgn risau π
Salam Bang Ji. Lucky Draw? Wow!!! Saya pasti menang. Hikhik.
Puteri Ezza – Puteri Ezza +2 entries, insyaAllah, at least skrg ada lebih peluang utk menang π
lucky draw? i’m not losing anything, so why not. heheh.
i’m in. =)
one entry’s enough, time to see how’s my luck doing. (i’m really going against the odd, eh? gotta need miracle then. =p )
Leokid – Leokid +2 entries, that’s the spirit, you never know unless u tried right π
Count me in! I just stumbled upon your website the other day & have enjoyed reading your stuff so far… Looking forward to seeing even more!
CheeseEverywhere CheeseEverywhere +2 entries, Thank you for reading, Hope to see you again here though
I’m a big fan of “Who Moved My Cheese”, is that the inspiration for your blog name? π
hahaha.hope to be a lucky one π
sha – I have no idea how to contact you should you win, there’s no email or blog. So if you’re reading this, kindly recomment leaving your email address kay π