Summary – Clean as you go

I have a confession. House chores are very boring. All those dishes to wash, corner of the house to clean. I don’t hate them. It’s just sometimes when the dishes piled up, it is very demotivating to just look at it. This attitude does not help either since it will keep piling up until at one point, I will have no other choice but immediately do it. By that time, I will often do it with a not-happy look in my face.

I was introduced to a new concept of cleaning, which is “Clean As You Go”. Basically it says asย soonย asย you created a mess immediately clear it up. Let me elaborate through some examples

When you are done with dinner, immediately wash all the dishes. This will only takes 2 minutes tops since the amount of dishes is just a few. As a result, whenever you go into the kitchen, there will be no dishes piling up. Thus a smile on your face. (I know there’s one on mine)

You see some clutter on your desk, like crumpled paper, unused envelopes etc. Don’t hesitate. throw them away into the rubbish bin immediately. Take 30 seconds from your time to do exactly that. You will then have a more organized desk for your work

When you’re casually driving just after the rain and out of nowhere there’s a dirt flying and hit your windscreen. You can leave it there if you want and drive away. But it will be easier if you stop the car and wash it away immediately. If you wait, that dirt may dried up and makes it harder to clean.

The idea is simple. Whatever you do, be it working, watching television, dinner etc, allocate a few seconds for quick cleaning. Just a few seconds will do and you will see a great change in your house cleanliness.

Another important point you must remember is not to overdo the cleaning. If not you will end up doing a spring cleaning project all the way and you cannot finish your other works, or watching that television. Remember, all you need is a few seconds.

There’s a saying in Malaysia – Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Directly translated – A few dirt daily, soon it will be a mountain.

– I wonder –
Do you have cleanliness problem in your house?

——— Personal Note ———
I am actually practising this now. It all started when I have to do house cleaning project everytime I’m off from work. To tell you the truth, I’d rather be resting on my day off.

Tried the idea, and it works.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. 23 Apr 08 7:21 pm

    Hey bro!! nice idea!!
    am going to implement it cause me house is such a mess ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. 24 Apr 08 5:50 pm

    DaPocket – hopefully it will work for you. It will sometimes be challenging especially when it comes to being committed ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. 25 Apr 08 1:37 pm

    ya,kita boleh jimat masa dengan buat terus tanpa tunggu2.tak rugi apa2 pun ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. banji
    25 Apr 08 11:23 pm

    qemmal – kalau tunggu lagi rugi kan? masa berjalan jugak ๐Ÿ™‚

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