Immortal Wisdom

Today is a special day. Exactly 365 days ago, this blog was launched. Yes friends, LessonInLife is now one year old. Definitely the best 365 days of my life.

Immortal Wisdom
Let me just quickly recap the incredible journey this blog had undergone. At first, it was hosted by blogspot – Immortal Wisdom. Back then, I really love the idea of being an immortal, where you will live forever and thus will have the capacity of learning everything there is to know about life. There’s just so much to learn. Still love the idea though.

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to some of the most supportive bloggers around during my early days of blogging. These friends had been supporting all the way with their comments and words. If not because of these, I’m not sure the blog will be bere now. Thank you guys.

On October 22nd 2007, LessonInLife was registered. It was a daring move for me since I know nothing about hosting then. But I can see the potential of the blog, and thus I know this is the next proper thing to do.

Today, LessonInLife is being read by about 150 loyal readers DAILY and the number is improving consistently. Yes, that’s you..

The Key of LessonInLife
It’s you. Thank you guys. I really appreciate your support. Trust me when I say that it is YOUR support that is driving me to write everyday. And I will continue to do my best to make your support here worth it.

The Birthday Wish
Usually a birthday boy will have his wish granted isn’t it? Can I make a wish on behalf of the blog? I wish to know all my readers. So if you’re reading this, would you mind dropping a few comments here. Let’s become friends πŸ™‚

Come to think about it, today is never about LessonInLife being one year old. It is more about appreciating you, my friends.. So enjoy your day today. And here’s to another good year ahead for us all.

Today in history
Bismillah – The first post

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This post has 14 comments.

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  1. filantera`
    06 May 08 8:52 am


    may this blog continue and expanding greatly!

  2. gina
    06 May 08 3:58 pm

    happy besday LessonInLife….:)

    semoga terus sukses dlm dunia blog

  3. 06 May 08 7:17 pm

    hepi bday to ur blog, uncle!!!! \(^_^)/

    i’ll olwes, oooolwes, n ooooooolwes try to be ur faithful reader (even i don’t leave any comments).. πŸ˜€


  4. 06 May 08 7:38 pm

    i’m commenting every now and then,
    but am always your reader bro.


  5. 06 May 08 9:25 pm

    congrats for the anniversary.well i cud say so many things i can learn here.great info man..keep up – hows the contest man?

  6. 06 May 08 11:28 pm

    Happy Birthday LessonInLife. Semoga LessonInLife akan terus maju dan berjaya..Tahniah bro Banji..

  7. banji
    07 May 08 12:05 am

    All – Thank you (A short reply but delivered with a real and genuine feeling inside πŸ™‚ )

  8. 07 May 08 12:49 pm

    eh eh!! blog ni rupenye taurean, lahir bln mei. hehe.. just as same as me, but mine’ll come very soon *hint, hint* πŸ˜€

  9. 07 May 08 1:49 pm

    Congrats on your 1 year old blog birthday yo! πŸ˜‰

  10. banji
    07 May 08 10:58 pm

    azuwachan – I never be able to memorize which month is associated to which horoscope πŸ™‚ I wonder what taurean characteristics are? Anyway… Happy advanced birthday to you

    Deimos Tel`Arin – Thank you

  11. 08 May 08 8:35 am

    happy 1st birthday lessoninlife πŸ˜€

    sure u had a great journey.

    hugs and kisses,

    qemmal πŸ™‚

  12. banji
    08 May 08 12:16 pm

    qemmal – yup, the up and down.. but it is all worth it πŸ™‚ thanks for the wishes

  13. 10 May 08 2:12 am

    Happy belated bday

    Lama tak singgah…lama tak comment kan…can i start back in June??? Cuti 2 bulan…agagagaga…

    Hey,how’s Mrs. ???

  14. banji
    10 May 08 6:59 pm

    aRa – dah sebulan setengah tak dgr komen ara. hm takpe, take ur time πŸ™‚ harap2nya apa2 problem ara face boleh diselesaikan.

    kalau tak, i’m always here if u want to talk about it

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