It’s time. The mrs was 9 days late after her due date. And according to the doctor, she need to be admitted into the hospital for induced labour.
We’ve been preparing for this day since day one, but somehow it seems like we are not at all prepared. I guess it must be all in the mind. A lot of emotion rushing at the same time can make you become very blur. Excitement, scared, wishful thinking, bravery.. if there’s any time to puke, this would be a perfect time.
And that’s just me. I cannot even imagine what it felt like to the mrs π
Since the baby is estimated to be at 4.2kg (which is relatively big in size), the doctors had advised us to undergo caesarean section instead (delivery by surgery). So it’s confirmed, tomorrow (27th May 2008) will be the day we will see our first daughter. Here comes that feeling again.
The clock sure is ticking very very slowly that night. Damn clock…
I woke up at 6 am and hasten to the hospital (Hospital Putrajaya), which is located about 15 minutes drive from my house. 10 minutes drive if I didn’t care about driving over that 70km/hour speed limit.
However, there’s nothing I can do. Husbands are not allowed in the surgery room. According to the nurses, there are a few cases of some husband fainted. If given a choice, I would prefer to be there. Not to see the baby, but just to comfort the mrs. This is the time she will need me the most. And so I was asked to wait at the waiting room. Now that is a very cold room.
I waited for about an hour, but there’s still no news. All I can do is just pray, that everything is alright. And in the mean time do some self comforting. “the anaesthetic will take some time to work, that’s why it is taking a long time” – words like this.
At about 11.30am, finally
Finally a nurse came out asking for me. I quickly asked her how’s the mrs’s condition. She’s doing great. And the baby’s too. Alhamdulillah.
I’m sure you must be very pissed with me if I told you that all of that is just a dream. But it does feel like a dream to me. Seriously. And guess what woke me up from that dream feeling? It’s when I first lay my eyes on her. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And I didn’t write this because it is a popular phrase.
She IS the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And the way she look at me with her black eyes. A surge of new feeling rushed in. I don’t even know how to describe it. But if this is not love, I don’t know what is.
Everything’s perfect. She had my eyes, and her mom’s others π
To tell you the truth, I can write all day describing her to you. But I think I will be doing it the rest of my life. So let me give you a summarized version. An introduction to the new meaning of my life – Zafirah Mohamad Zaki, born on 27th May 2008 10.53am at Hospital Putrajaya.

Thank you to all friends wishing and praying. Only Allah will be able to repay your kindness.
———– Personal NoteΒ ————-
ApologizeΒ for the low qualityΒ picture, it isΒ taken Β using a camera phone. Not to worry.. Pocket and his DSLR is coming over tomorrow, and I will keep you guys updated.
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Congratulations yo! π
You are officially a father now! π
congratz banji
the rombongan will depart in 4 hours:)
tahniah uncle..
cumil nye baby tuh.. π
4.2kg? adik sy dulu 4.85kg..hehe..operate jugak..sebab besar sangat..
zafirah..nice name..alalala..
wah!! congratz to you bang banji!! Alhamdulillah, selamat dua2 mak dgn anak.
er.. too bad you didn’t watch the surgery, huhu.. I wish you could tell us the story inside that room.
but it’s ok then. I bet that baby is BIG, she’s 4.2 kg. whoa!! my friend used to mengidam doughnut when she was pregnant and then came out a baby girl, as cute as doughnut, haha!! π
Congratulations! Hope you & everyone are doing well! The first few weeks are always the hardest to adjust to – but very sweet & cute as all babies are π
Salam.. Zafirah, welcome to the team!! Gemini!!
between me and zafirah is only about 23 years and a day!! huh..
Alfu Mabrook banji!!
My warm regard for your MRS.
Congrats Bro and Mrs…She’s beautiful…and bro…I dah bertakungkan air mata…baca ur entry…so touching…bila tgk pic Baby Zafirah…that tears fall…such a….gosh…i don’t know what to say…i know u paham kan bro…that feeling yg ssh nak describe…She’s like an angel…
Bro…didik la dia dgn sebaiknya yek…
Congrats again…
Salam for Mrs okeh…
Happy for u…
salam ziarah….tahniah dr kami buat banji diatas
kelahiran cahayamata yg comel dan bermakna..moga dimurahkan rezeki lagi dan kekal bahagia sepanjang hayat…
Congratulations Banji. Good luck to you and your family.
Congratz for the new arrival.Glad to hear everyone is fine.
Wow..a big baby really!!:)
She looks great. She will do great things. Heartist congratulations! π
congrats on the new love of your life, your child π
Congratulations! I wished that I will get married soon and be a dad. But I still need to save up more money. Nowadays the “hantaran” price and cost to run the kenduri is high.
Anyway, I am glad that you are now a father.
Tahniah Banji atas baby yg tersangat comel itu…Welcome to the new world of parenting…wow…4.2 kg…mmg besar, anak-anak akak semua paling besar pun 3.55kg… tapi Alhamdulillah tak besar, if not hv to undergo C… mine all eight were delivered normal. Sbb tu orang dulu2 (esp old folks) kata biar besar di luar jgn besar di dalam…
maybe you tak tahu lagi, jika 1st baby Caesar, and 2nd baby pun C juga, then by default yg ke-3 pun have to undergo C juga… lepas tu doktor tak kasi beranak banyak lagi (if you plan to have ramai anak lah… like me … hehehe)
boleh bagi alamat rumah tak?
heheh, banji…
i’ve put a bit of dis and dat to MyPcket,
but since u’r the father, am not putting too much.
I’ll leave the sugar for u to put it inside your page π
alalaaa…comelnya babyyyyy zafirahhhhh..muaaaahhh
selamat tinggal tido mlm yg lena yer…heheheee
tahniah. =)
Deimos Tel`Arin – Yerp, officially a father π a clueless but determined to be the best one
filantera – As I suspected, replying this when you’re already back from the trip. It’s been one hectic but satisfying week π
fairuzniza – 4.85? besar tu.. bukan apa, skrg ni banyak sgt dengar cite yg tak best. jadi takut lak bile doktor kata ada risiko. so decide utk pilih pilihan berisiko paling rendah
Zafirah bermaksud – Orang yg berjaya. moga2 menjadi satu doa utk dia π
azuwachan – erk, I’m sure a story from inside the room will be more dramatic. The intense emotion and bone crushing grip from the mrs hehe
All baby’s cute right π geram tengok,
Chelle – Very true.. The first few weeks are the hardest. We have to be very very patient that period of time. Thanks for the wishes
taqeyyabella – A difference of just one day? and of course that 23 years π I have no idea what’s in store for gemini people, hopefully she will have a great life
aRa – Thank you for reminding the words. She is an angel π InsyaAllah aRa, we will try our best to give her the best this life can offer. That’s exactly what I said when I first held her in my arm
yusztiey – Amiin. terima kasih atas doa tu π moga2 jugak diberi hidayah utk kami (ibu bapa) utk mendidik dia dengan sebaik2 didikan
Evan Castella – Thank you bro. A family π That word now have a new meaning
noushy syah – Alhamdulillah, everyone’s healthy. Got a few hiccups here and there with all the jaundice etc, but still nothing but appreciative thoughts in my mind now
Vimoh – Thank you vimoh. Hopefully she will.
Komodo Dragon – Thank you Komodo Dragon π She is the new love of my life.
CypherHackz – The hantaran price and kenduri cost is definitely a hindrance. But believe me everything will be worth it π Thank you for the warm wishes
nurazzah8 – Ada dengar jugak. tapi takpe lah, yg penting baby dan maknya selamat. mungkin plan anak ramai tu kena difikirkan semula π tulis2 la petua utk parent yg baru ni diblog kak azzah.. sure banyak boleh belajar ni
Alamat rumah tu nanti saya emailkan pada kak azzah ye
DaPocket – Your snaps have never been more beautiful hehe (A biased view). By all means, she’s your niece. You are more than welcome to write about her. I’m sure 10 years from now when she understand English, she will appreciate that from her PakNgah π
yusztiey – hehe risau jugak takut tido mati
aTiQah – Thank you! π
Banji …congratSSSS..
nampaknya pendekar berlima dah ada tun teja.. haha…
kirim salam to ur mrs.
nolee – erk. pendekar berlima π lama tak dengar istilah tu, ntah apa le cite lelain tu. Thanks for the wishes