Positive Thinking

Summary – You can read, talk, learn but nothing beats experiencing it yourself
It’s been very tiring these few days. I am in charged of commissioning a new boiler for the mill. And as always, commissioning is where you will find more problem than solution.

I’m sure you know how negative we can be after solving one problem, only to find a few hundreds more revealed to you. You may become very negative and words like this start to come to mind.

  • This is all not worth it.
  • The project is cursed.
  • Why is this happening to me?

Do you really know why negativity is bad?
Now, we have been told repeatedly that “negativity is bad”. “Positive thinking is the way”. But do we really know what negative thinking will do to us?

Just like being sleepy behind the wheel is a dangerous thing. We know it’s dangerous and we should avoid it by taking regular rest. But we will never actually know how dangerous it is unless we have been involved in such accident and live to tell the story.

The same goes to negativity. We can read 100 books on avoiding negativity but we will never know the harm it cause unless we have experience it.

The experiment
I propose an experiment to experience how positive thinking helps. Set one hour every day for positive thinking. In this one hour, you must brush aside any negative thinking in your mind. Which means, you must be focus and aware of what you’re thinking at all time (within the one hour frame of course)

All you need to do is rejecting every negative thinking and replace it with positive ones. Reject and replace. For example –

  • Reject “This is just not worth it”. Replace it with “The joy of success after all this will be worth every second spent :)” (don’t forget to smile)
  • Reject “The project is cursed”. Replace it with “Now this is what I call challenging :)”
  • Reject “Why is this happening to me”. Replace it with “I was chosen which means I am the only one they actually believe to make this happen :)”

Again, for just one hour.. all you need to do is reject and replace. It will be very hard at first. You may not actually believe the words that you replaced, and you will be bombarded with a machine-gun shot of negativity. Expect and survive this.

After you have done the experiment for a week. Please tell me how it goes? I would love to hear it. More importantly, you write your own conclusion to the experiment. It can be positive wins, or negativity wins. Which ever side wins, you will now understand positive and negative thinking so much more than any other person ๐Ÿ™‚

– I wonder –
How many of us like to experiment with our mind?

——— Personal Note ———-
I am still doing the experiment. One hour every day with no negative thinking. It’s a very hard work. That much I can assure you. With every negative thought rejected, comes another two. And sometimes it goes the other way around, rejecting positive thought and replacing it with negative ones.

So guys, expect some resistance and hard work in this experiment ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m going to publish the result of my experiment when I can see some actual result.

To be continued

Photo credit – JasonRogers

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  1. 23 Jun 08 8:52 pm

    some of my friends always think negative, including one of my best friend.
    but what I like about it is that she predicts things that will eventually happen, with her negativity. orang kata mulut masin, hehe.. So it’s not that bad thinking negative, it’s just up to the individuals. just don’t let it eats you up ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. 23 Jun 08 9:18 pm

    azuwachan – hm interesting. I appreciate it if you can give some example of how โ€œmulut masinโ€ her words are.

  3. 24 Jun 08 8:18 am

    You may want to read the Celestine Prophecy. It really helped me realize that negativity does hurt. Just do a search on it and you will see the website. Angels all around you.

  4. banji
    24 Jun 08 12:38 pm

    CyberCelt – I will do just that ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you. Can I ask, based on your reading, how does negativity hurt?

banji Read LessonInLife.com In Your Email

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