I wrote two entries today, the MBBDDH attitude (an attitude that will stop you from getting what you want) and this.
Remember when I complained about the slow internet connection I’m having. I took my own advice and actually did a very thorough research on Wimax. I just need to get better internet connection.
I make some calls, do a lot of online research just to get the status of wimax connectivity here in Malaysia and guess what, finally I found this notice (Refer picture) actually handed to me while I’m shopping the other day.
WiMAX is finally HERE!!
Now remember the speed I mentioned the other day? Downloading a one-hour movie in 1-2 minutes? It’s happening right now.. And I am definitely getting one.
I just hope that the pricing will be affordable. I am now using GPRS type connection and it cost me about RM66/ month for a 5-10kB/s speed. Truthfully for WiMAX speed of about several MB/s I don’t mind at all paying up to RM150 for it. I believe P1 (the company who will be running this WiMAX) will launch the service any time soon.
However, I really hope the speed will be consistently fast and that there is no problem with the weather and all, like our beloved Astro. All this condition met, I will consider myself a satisfied customer already.
This is me imagining.. What will I do with such speed and wireless connectivity?
- Spend less time on the net so I can spend more with my family
- Visit my friends’ blog on a daily basis
- Visit all my network’s site such as 9rules and entrecard
- Maybe started video blogging once a week
- Venturing into podcast
The truth is.. I need the faster connection so that I will be able to spend less time on the net and more time with the new love of my life.. My daughter Zafirah π
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Wah…bestΒ²…would love to have that kinda connection…yg skrg ni sungguh menghampakan…dalam smgu…bgsnya kadang hanya 4 ari…yg lain ampeh…
Can’t wait for the launching date of WimaX !!
It will be great for all webmaster or bloggers here ^^
I’m willing to take it if the price range in Rm160-Rm200 haha..hopefully =)
aRa – tu lah, harapnya wimax ni tak mengecewakan.. dengar cite nya 25% of the nation will be covered by year end. That’s huge coverage π
Mak$ Mon$y Onlin$ – RM200.. hm that’s a bit steep for me, but when thinking about the connection, I may change my mind.
It only takes a few disconnection to persuade me π
Thanks for this informative entry. Currently with my 3G connection, hampeh!!! Now I’m paying for the combo package at RM110.
AkakPokPek – Harap2nya cepat lah ye.. 3G hampeh? hmm hampeh mcm mana tu?
wah!! kalau bli wimax connection tu but using it with my company comp ok kaa?
but it’ll be better for me if i’m buying a lap top isnt it π
DaPocket – uish.. agaknya boleh, sebab wimax tu portable and wireless. just plug n play. cuma obviously you must be an administrator to the computer la, utk install driver etc.
tapi tu la… pakai dilaptop lebih optimized lah sbb boleh pakai mana2 π jgn risau, penang area akan jadi area yg kedua covered punya.
banji, are you saying that you’re using DiGi Internet? hey, i’m using that one too! hehe…
maybe when the coverage of wimax covers both around my campus and my hometown i’ll consider to use it. digi isn’t really satisfying, but better some than nothing right? hu~
szakif – yerp. guilty as charged π One thing about digi is that a movement of even 1 cm can make you get and EDGE connection or lose it hehe But it is still better than 3G, not in the connection speed kind of way, but the coverage. EDGE has better coverage than 3G
I hope it will cover us all hehe