Summary – Another point of view on Father’s Day etc
Father’s day is approaching. Malaysia sure has a lot of celebration. Mother’s day, Teacher’s day, Father’s day, Valentine etc.

Technically the celebration is meant to educate us to be more appreciative.Very true.. and I can’t imagine of better way of doing it. But don’t you think we have to review that approach as now we only appreciate teacher during teacher’s day, our independence on Merdeka day, our spouse on valentine. The other 364 days were spent without any effort to cherish them. Instead of making us appreciate them all the time, we waited for the day to come to appreciate them.

The method of celebration must also be reviewed as you can see throughout the nation, people are celebrating it by mean of spending money. Can’t we appreciate them without or with minimum spending of money. It is somehow rooted in our way that to celebrate I must buy his/her something new. Sellers obviously will take this opportunity, cannot blame them.

A lot of things should be reviewed. Or we will end up being a robot, doing the same thing without ever understanding the reason and its meaning. Like shouting MERDEKA!!! like mad every August but we hate our Malaysia to the guts.

Again, I am not against celebrating these days. I think it is a wonderful idea with very noble intention. For me, appreciate doesn’t have to be a trip to oversea, gift or cards (even though, people nowadays prefer to be appreciated that way). it’s when ever I go the extra mile for them happily and they know deep down they are appreciated any days in my life.

————— Personal Note ————————–
You know I am celebrating and appreciating when the words “CELEBRATE” and “APPRECIATE” are repeated seven and nine times respectively in my post hehe

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  1. filantera
    16 Jun 07 7:52 am

    yup some people say, i didnt celebrate V-day as i cherish my spouse everyday, but the big Q is do we really?


    i always say, as the love is in the air, let just cherish the moment…

  2. Banji
    17 Jun 07 3:50 pm

    good point 🙂

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