Summary – Lesson learnt from movies I watched
There are millions of movies (if counted from the beginning of time of course) in the world, we just cannot watch them all. Yes, we need to choose. Read the review and check whether it will benefit us or not Movies are supposed to be pure entertainment. I do not agree. If I’ going to lose two hours of my life. I better get something out of it
List of movies I watched and important knowledge gained
1) Lord of The Ring
- The most powerful and evil ring has only one power. Obsession which is desire, if not controlled properly will corrupt everything
2) Princess Diary 1
- You can only be hurt if you allow yourself to be hurt (The queen’s bodyguard advice to the princess)
3) Phenomenon
- It is human very nature to fear what they don’t understand.
- We are blessed with so much potential. Some of those we aware and some we don’t. In the end, it depends on what we do with it
4) Jumanji
- Being a grown up means you take responsibility of what you did
/end list
No, learning something from movies you watch is not a turn off. It actually
make the movie easier to remember.
How about you guys? Any lesson you learned from movies you watched? 🙂
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woo it’s not easy typing an entry on ur phone (of course in a shaky bus) so please excuse my typo ya.
it’s now 1.30 am, and i just passed tanjung malim, we are seated at the back of a double decker, so im just waiting for my nausea any time soon. see u on the other side
ps not able to edit the entry, so added the commet
i watched ‘big fish’, it’s kind of film that left u smiling even as you wipe away a tear or two.amazing story-telling with some magical scene indeed.
big fish ye, will find that movie, thanx.. any other movies u guys would recommend?
Moral value = more than meets the eye. Hihihi…
Anyway, I would like to promote Final Fantasy Advent Children. Unless you’re a fan, you would not be able to understand much though hehehe…
tell us a bit about the final fantasy movie.. such good movies are a waste if not watched