Summary – Day in day out.. why be emotionally normal? be happy!
Referring to previous comments, each of us has our own favorite type of movie. Some love horror, some favor romantic comedy or others. Basically we love these movies because of the way they bring up emotion within us. Some people love to laugh, so they watched comedy etc.
I was thinking… if we can actually identify what make us happy. I mean what really make us happy. Maybe if we can do the thing a bit more often than other things in a day, our day will be a happier day. I hope you understand. No?
I have a question. I would appreciate if you would enlighten us with your answers. But if you think it is too personal, just answer it in your heart. 🙂
What things or action that once done or seen will immediately make you smile and happy?
Of course there are a lot of things. But I personally am very happy if I can make another person happy. Seriously… I would go great length to make others happy. especially children. (You should see me with my nephew and niece hehe)
For your information, it took about 10 minutes just to figure out what really make me smile. Different people will have different answers and there are a lot of happy things in the world. So don’t just be influenced by people… Search your heart for the one thing that will keep you smiling and happy (even laughing) for the rest of the day.
Once you have identified this, why not do it everyday?
Like myself, maybe I should try to stop by at the local kindergarden here few times a week and entertain the children there. (Everytime I drove my motorcycle pass the kindergarden, I will look at them playing.. and immediately smile)
or I will go back to Kedah as often as possible to see my dearest grandmother (Maktuk). She definitely will be excited and that itself will keep me “:)”
Other people may find watching sitcom is the happiest moment (with all the genius joke). Then you watch sitcoms everyday. Buy DVD of those you really like.
My point is
- Search your heart on what really make you happy
- Do it at least once a day (Mandatory)
- Why bother doing other things that have no emotional value
————— Personal Note ————————–
Other things that make me happy.. (eheh just writing about them is exciting)
- the Mrs’s laughter (it’s highly contagious)
- chatting with my dearest brothers. Can’t stop laughing everytime YM’ing with them
- training in Silat (I’m obsessed)
- reading comments and message in shoutbox 🙂
- etcÂ
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below are de’ thingz that can make me happy & smile:
*chocolate without nutz
*manja2 & cubit2 my mummy..
*hang out & chattin with my sekepala buddies..
Yeh yeh..glad that comments in here will make you happy and smile!! So, will keep commenting in here…
Me, will senyum sampai tinga bila dapat main water gun and sprinkle water to my syahyang,nephew and my Nan!!Even while I’m writing this I’m smiling already…it’s really fun!
Love seeing the look of these pple that I loved screaming and running around getting wet,which later on of coz I will also joining them.. hehhee..
p/s there are more reasons for me to smile or to make me smile but the above is so significant!! Lil thing but means a lot..
aiskrim with my dearest hehehe
ok ok i am on diet…..
~bawa maktuk tokngah mama and elder people pegi jejalan
~roti canai with frens
~last but not least, having any activities with my dearest BRO!!
note: sugar are not to be taken too much everyday in case of diabetic factors. dont forget to vary ur food and taste
aku – bookstore is one of my happy place, i used to work in midvalley.. and every time i have the chance, i will be at mph 🙂
noushy – yup… seriously i enjoy reading other’s comment. everyone’s interesting….
hm watergun is always fun 🙂 and watching ppl having fun is even better. your Nan? may I know who’s this Nan?
Filantera – heheh.. hope everything goes well with the diet.
yup.. the elder people always like being taken for a sightseeing with you. I remember Tokngah said that the thing about us is that we make the day theirs. 🙂
Note :writing this all smiling
i smile to people n they smile back to me, that simply makes me happy..
and when i do something for Luqman and he thanks me with his cute smile..that makes me much happier
n same like u, i am happy if i can make people happy and smile
Hehe. Just after reading ur Q, i know the answer – i’m happy when i make others happy. Turned out u pun the same eh (in fact perhaps we’re all the same).
It’s easy to put a mandatory necessity to how often we should do that, but not that easy to really do that. But we could try.
Another thing which makes me happy – when i see old folks holding hands wit their partners. so sweet!~
Can i sum it up that love and passion makes ppl happy? Got to go and spray some love~
kak luna – yerp… smile and have ppl smile back at u will really make me happy.
tapi kadang2 org skrg ni paranoid sket. kalau kite senyum kat dia, dia dah start pikir “tak betul kut” huhu. so kena pilih gak le org utk disenyum tu
intan – mmg betul, banyak benda mmg senang diucapkan dari dibuat. saya letak mandatory tu bukannye apa. just menunjukkan pentingnya perkara tu CUBA dilaksanakan. so sama2 lah kita cuba 🙂
the things that really make me happy and smile…
when my mom and dad happy
when hang out ngankawan2
ekceli..i am happy rite now..when i write this comments 🙂
nuu_ol – 🙂 seriously talking about being happy itself is making us all happy kan?
long time no see
Nan=pembantu rumah,who taking care of me+siblings since we were small,since mommy had to do on call duty at times..
(she is Irish, but Muslim)
noushy – ok.. understood 🙂 thanx for the explanation.