Starting yesterday’s at 6.00pm, my younger brother, DaPocket, is now someone’s husband. In other word he is now a married man. Today’s post will be dedicated to the function 🙂
Well, I’m sure there will be more pictures in DaPocket’s blog once he updated it. Anyway, what do you think of my first attempt to be the wedding photographer?
Today, there will be a feast at the bride’s house. Tomorrow (10th), it will be at my house. if you are available here in Kedah, you are invited 🙂
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Tahniah again pada DaPocket…
Banji…bz yek…ke ikut honeymoon?? Agagagaga…
banji supposedly arrived in his home sweet home somewhat yesterday.
Maybe his Laptop is not yet setup… or simply the internet connection is bad nowadays
Banji…thanks to both of u for the support.
Ara …. Thanks for the wish.
Pocket… blogging from another point of view 😀
aRa – hehe mana le boleh ikug honeymoon, kaco daun 🙂 mengambil nafas sebenornye.. ara pekaba?
DaPocket – no problem bro, always there for u 🙂 Selamat Pengantin Baru
Wah..Tahniah2..Kepada Pengantin..