Summary – BTB
Problems as many of you may have realized, are always complicated. There will usually be a lot of factors to solve it and this can be very overwhelming sometimes. Believe it or not, most problems can really be solved by just going Back To Basic (BTB).
Example of a Problem
Let me give you a complex problem as an example. Let say David had just been promoted to a managerial level. With the promotion, the company (like what most companies do) had squeeze everything from the poor guy. He was put in charge of hundreds of project. And he was pushed for result almost hourly. In short, he was under tremendous pressure and stress and it is starting to affect his health and his relationship with his family.
The Solution
There are many ways to approach a problem. This had been discussed a lot of time and if you are interested, I list here a few articles previously written on the subject.
- 11 Missing Steps of Problem Solving You Probably Don’t Know
- How To Use Emotion & Solve Problem Effectively
However, to solve the problem using the “Back To Basic” approach, you must really sit down and analyze the basic elements of your problem. In our example, the problem is definitely the stress. David’s health condition and the relationship will not be affected if there is no stress to begin with.
Then David will see that the stress actually originate from his superior. Both the hundreds of projects and the company are not causing him stress. It is really the superior that giving him pressure.
Bear with me as I elaborate the steps of the “Back To Basic” method.
Now that we know the superior is the one causing him stress, the next step that David should do is to know what the superior actually want from him. What was it that if given, the superior will stop all the pressure. The answer is simple – Result.
Of course, the next logical step is really to determine how to get the result but let’s just stop right here.
Why Do We Need BTB
The second time I read this article, I’ve had that Duh feeling. Of course good result will eliminate the stress. Anyone can identify this immediately.
But believe me, there are so many people out there actually solve the problem wrongly. They start by solving the relationship problem first. While the stress is still accumulating, they are pinpointing the problem to the company, and may approach the problem by quitting the company. This is also the wrong solution to the problem as David will continue to receive stress from other company he will be employed.
Is BTB Just A Fancy Name For Problem Definition?
“Redefining problem” step identifies problem. “Back to Basic” step is actually providing the answer. Let me list down 5 of the most common problems to elaborate the difference.
1) How a company can make more profit?
BTB solution – More sales and less expenditure.
2) How to have an effective time management?
BTB solution – stop wasting time.
3) How to be loved by everyone?
BTB solution – Be nice.
4) How to lose 20kg?
BTB solution – Exercise and eat right.
5) How to wake up early?
BTB solution – sleep early and alarm clock.
– I wonder –
Any other question and the BTB solution that comes to your mind? Please share.
——– Personal Note ———
Actually I have quite the same problem with David. For those who may notice, it has been awhile since my last update. For your information, I was promoted and transfered to Sabah one year ago. For the past one year, I had to put more focus on my career to catch up and deliver result. As a result, the blog had taken the damage. I have no intention of quitting that I can assure you.
To all my friends still visiting, thank you. You are really the reason I’m still here.
p.s. For friends subscribing via email, you might not be able to view the video in my last post “Beautifully Imperfect”. I’m still working on it but you are invited to watch it here
Photo Credit – Jam1978