Summary – How “Puasa Enam” helps
It turns out, I’m not the only person who is sick after Raya (Duh). Bro Ahmad and Gina were also down with some sort of sickness just after Raya. And I’m sure many of us are just the same.Now, isn’t fasting supposed to be “Menyihatkan”? Definitely! I am at my healthiest state during Ramadhan. Especially this year when the mrs is not that well from pregnancy, so we were eating very healthy food and only went out for Bazar Ramadhan once a week. Very healthy… Alhamdulillah.

I think most of us know the cause of this nationwide illness. It’s the over-consumption (Sumbat) of food during Hari Raya, don’t you agree? During that day, we usually will eat “slightly” more than our average.

But I’m not going to write about this… It’s on how Islam had offer the solution for this 🙂

First of all, I would like to say that this idea is not from any hadis or Quran. It’s entirely from my observation. And thus it is not to be taken as the ultimate truth.

We are all familiar with “Puasa Enam”. In Islam, after we had performed the 1 month fasting, we are given the gift of Eid or “Hari Raya”. However, it is very recommended to start back fasting on the second day of Syawal for 6 continuous days or any 6 days of Syawal. What’s interesting is how it is so VERY RECOMMENDED to perform that 6-days fasting at the SECOND day of Syawal.

It is my belief that a hidden benefit of that is to introduce food in an orderly manner. The scientific term for it is to avoid “Surprised-Stomache” (perut terkejut hehe). In addition to that, our Hari Raya food is famous for its rich in fat and cholesterol. (ya ya blame the food :))

In short, there is a hikmah why “Puasa Enam” is VERY RECOMMENDED to be done at the earliest of Syawal. And I believe this is it. So have I done my “Puasa 6”? hm apparently not yet, if not I must be healthier. Let’s

So enough about that… how’s everyone’s Raya? Care to share your big day here?

————–Personal Note————-
The songs of Raya is still playing inside my head. My favorite Raya song would be that song sung by Anuar Zain when he was still a kid, Aiseh I forget the title.. but the song is playing in loop in my head. And I have no way to stop or pause it. To make things worse… it is looping with only a few line :)Still I can enjoy the song… it’s the Raya spirit (or I am forcing myself to believe that huhu)

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  1. 23 Oct 07 10:11 pm

    Suka lagu tu jugak. Duet ngan elina tu kan. Suasana hari raya ke ape tajuk die..

    I havent had any “big day” yet. Ahahaha. But yeah, raya tak lengkap kalau perut tk meragam. But wat to do, the foods r all irresistible! Haha. Way more than “slightly” overeating!

    Good reminder. Me baru buat sehari. Mesti susah nk puasa kt msia..

  2. banji
    23 Oct 07 11:02 pm

    huhu raya tak lengkap kalau perut tak meragam, 🙂 betul la! ari tu gi melaka, diorg jamu laksa johor PERH! mmg besh, rasa mcm tak mo balik dan nak cari sedara org johor je

    puasa 6 kat malaysia, hm nak kata susah tu tak susah.. tapi dgn open house dah bersusun ni, kena pandai2 la pilih ari 🙂

    russia mcm mana raya?

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