Hi there… So much had happened in these few days, and by the end of the day, I’m so tired I fainted until the next morning.. So my thanks to all of you who drop by the blog 🙂
However, you will have to excuse me for not posting today. The reason is because today is….
You can all enjoy your public holiday now… 🙂
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Ho Ho Ho…Happy Birthday..Hohohoho..Banji…jgn wisau..after ur bday..the laugh would turn back to normal..Hohohoho…
Thank’s 4 the holiday…Hohohoho…Mine would be soon..Tguuuu… :p
Anyway…May all ur dream come true and being bless by Allah…Amin…
Happy Birthday!!!
to banji, his birth day song would be like this…
we wish u a merry birthday
we wish u a merry birthday
and a happy new year
epi besde banji…
salam, banji.
I dropped by to wish you a Happy Birthday… turning 30 izzit? By the picture there. 🙂
A year older, is a year wiser. But don’t forget, it is a year nearer to death. Anyway, may Allah grant all your prayers… AMIN.
p/s: so what gifts do you get on your birthday today? 🙂
Happy happy happy birthday Banji!!
semoga dipjgkan umo dan murah rezki..
Amin!!! 🙂
aRa – Waiting for your birthday public holiday 🙂
DaPocket – erk.. a very merry song 🙂
syahidatul – yup, turning 30… suddenly I feel old 🙂 thanx for the doa, and the reminder… have to be very thankful for the time remaining..
gift? hmm my in laws bought me a cake hehe yummy
diha – aminnnn 🙂 thanx ya
HAPPY BIRTHDAY gurun guy..May ALLAH bless u forever..
beib – erk gurun guy? hehe tak kisah lah, janji didoakan Beib 🙂 amiin
epi bufday banji! =D da 30 keeee? waaaa…. da tua rupa2nya.. hehehehe
moon – tq tq… hehe 30 muda lagi, masih tampan huhuh (denial)