Nothing is fresher than a little bit of fresh air :). So I present to you Ms Azuwachan, today’s Guest Blogger on a topic that makes me suddenly get up from my chair. Enjoy!
Summary – The Importance of Hubby … erk Hobby
5 reasons why people need to have a hobby in life.
- To fill your time. You are stupid if you don’t aprreciate the time and let it go just like that.
- A way to discover yourselves/your talent. Like if you love singing karaoke, maybe you REALLY have the talent to become a singer, who knows??
- Some hobbies that deal with technical stuffs can help you train yourselves to get better and better, like sewing for example. You sew often, and soon you’ll be an expert!!
- And from that 3rd point, who knows if you could earn cash from the expertise??! (I think Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza make use of this way, huhu~)
- A good hobby can help you to discipline yourselves, to reduce pressure, or just to get rid from people around you and to be alone. Especially to get rid from any one that could annoy you, heheh…
How to select a hobby?
- Know what you like. If you like music, go out and register for a class. See if it suits you. Same goes to other kind of hobbies.
- Go online. There are millions of stuffs you could get from it.
Oh, and don’t be too stingy. It’ll costs you some money, but this should not be a good reason for you to reject the idea. I mean, nothing good comes out easily.
Now, wait a minute. Why am I talking about this stuff??
My answer: I know some people who don’t aprreciate their hobbies, except they see it just for fun, nothing serious, a waste of money, bla bla bla…But like I said, if you make use of it carefully, it’ll give you much more benefits than disadvantages.
The thing that I hate most is when you yawn loudly and say ‘boringnye.’ or ‘letihnya’ without doing nothing, or without trying to find anything that would occupy your time.
Believe me, old folks get Alzhemier or ‘nyanyuk’ because they do not used to train their brain to keep on working, so you are likely to get this sickness and other diseases like obesity or diabetes if you let yourself sleep, or rest all the time.
So now get up!! Find a hobby and do it. Make daily plan if you need to, especially for those who’re working. Get bored with old hobby?? Search for a new one. It’s easier than you think 🙂 Now, try a PS2. Final Fantasy is a good one, y’know. hehe…
copyright @ 2007, -azuwachan.blogspot-
————- Banji’s Personal Note ————
I personally would like to thank both Ms Intan and Ms aRa for supportively guess the today’s topic 🙂 .. I guess I will have to come up with more attractive prize for any coming contest. Anyway.. after reading Azuwachan’s entry, I too have the urge to start a new hobby. But before that..
To ALL my friends visitting – “Can I know what’s your hobby? besides blogging of course”.  I seriously would like to know you slightly better 🙂
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huwa!! first thing first, thanks to abg.banji for posting my humble entry yg tak seberapa ni.
actually, I got the idea when I suddenly recalled a motivational speech from Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah years ago.
A student asked him ‘bagaimana kita nak tahu kelebihan diri sendiri?’
and the dr. said ‘kelebihan diri sendiri itu dapat dilihat dari apa yang kita suka.’
so basically, we have a hobby that we like, so it is most likelythat the hobby is what you can do best over other things.
you like to play PS2, maybe you’re really good in investigation or stuffs like that.
so see? a hobby is more than just having fun 🙂
my hobby? I love listening to music and reading. sometimes day-dreaming, hehe…
oh, not to forget. I also love playing PS2 🙂
banji.. dulu kecik2 hobi i collecting stamps..n bile dah beso berubah la plak.. beside blogging pe erkk hobi bro kate marah tak tentu hala.. ngatut sehh… !! muahahah… ske bawa kete laju2.. 🙂
my hobby…still collecting stamps tp dah byk koleksi yg ilang..huhu hanyut banjir dulu. hobi lain reading, karaokeing, jalan-jalan, kumpul souvenirs pemberian org 🙂 & x lupe blogging…sooo seperti kata banji keep your brain working..hihi br belajar dlm kelas semlm psl NLP…nantilah gina sharing2
Agagagaga…i br je mula ngan hobby br..It’s very enjoying..Cross-stich..Agagagaga…my mum expert wat benda ni smua so slowly learning from her..She’s a good teacher..Kejap je ajar dah pandai..not like me..Agagagaga..
Selain iteww,i enjoy listen 2 my MP3 sambil melalak..Agagagaga..yo la..klo dgr MP3 sambil melalak,u tak dgr sgt sore u yg ke laut iteww..Agagagaga..
And selain 2..i suka baca kamus..i remember u ask me sampai huruf mana dah i baca..i actually tak ikut susunan..Klo ari ni i rasa nak baca huruf J…i baca..esk lak huruf ape..Lompat2 la..Agagagaga..My friend say it’s a weird hobby..Agagagaga..
azuwachan – hm betul jugak, selalunya we perform best on things we love the most 🙂
dan kdg2 we love things because we do it best.. hehe
tic – 🙂 understandable.. tapi ingat hati2 ye bawak keta tu. masa sy belajar kat uitm dulu, satu kelas.. gila kereta. semua bawak laju, siap eksiden tu perkara biasa lak… menakutkan.. heheh tapi sy time tu tak reti bawak keta lagi
gina – hm agaknya hobi mengumpul setem ni kena digandingkan dengan hobi berenang, baru tak hilang… huhu gurau je 🙂 takziah atas kehilangan tu, mesti priceless semua tu kan?
nlp? ape tu?
aRa – wow cross stitch. hopefull boleh tengok lah hasil nanti dlm blog ara 🙂 hm mana tau baby dah lahir nanti, boleh upah ara buat satu utk baby heheh
time kita melalak sambil dgr mp3, somehow suara kita rasa sedappppp sgt kan? 🙂 padahal..
hobby? urmmm.. i got a lot i guess.. tp ‘cuci aquarium’ tu kira hobby kaa bro banji? hahahhaha.. coz mebi i’m tooo freee by dat time lar..
yanz – cuci akuarium? hehe sungguh rajin 🙂 agaknya kalau yanz keje kat aquaria mesti best kan, rambang mata
definitely one of the unique hobby
hehe. ape ek hobby? kemas rumah, memasak,…
errr potong2 artikel surat khabar yg menarik dan tampal2 dalam buku panjang….
kumpul coins dari serata negara.. coins dolu-dolu… coins 1 sen…
erm, window shopping pun leh dikatakan hobi gak kan?
huhu banyak le plak… paling saya suka adalah membaca buku2 psikologi dan motivasi…
hehehe mane la org nk guess. ur Q susah sgt.. anyway, i guessed “entry” and it IS an “entry” kan?? Lol.
To be honest, i don’t know what my hobby is la.. maybe baking cakes? thats what i do durin my free time that other ppl dont usually do..
syahidatul – banyak gak hobi syahidatul ye, 🙂 bagus la, nanti kalau ada hajat nak kemas rumah tapi rumah dah kemas boleh la datang kesini ye.. eheh
kita ada hobi yg sama, tapi saya tak potong artikel, saya ambik gambar ngan kamera dan simpan dlm pc, rajin2 baca heheh pemalas kan? lagipun paper tu paper org takleh le nak potong sesuka hati
intan – huhu takpe belajar dari pengalaman 🙂
definitely baking cakes is ur hobby, banyak sgt permintaan tu dlm blog, siap suruh postkan dari rusia… hehe eh kalau tak salah sy yg suruh huhu
saya suka jalan2..kalau ada duit.
saya suka menonton wayang..juga kalau ada duit..
saya suka ambil gambar 🙂
tidak memerlukan duit
qemmal – jalan kaki pun kena duit? 🙂 terlampau banyak kan yg perlukan duit skrg ni..