Summary – Find that joy and excitement
Aidil Adha is approaching. InsyaAllah it will be celebrated here in Malaysia on the 20th of December. Aren’t you excited? 🙂
How many of us are actually excited about it? Counting down the days.. or planning what to do on that day.. I’m quite sure that the answer is just not many.
I wonder why? Why can’t we be excited on the day we are actually supposed to be excited? One reason I can think of, is that we had outgrown the celebration..
During our childhood, Hari Raya is always our happiest day. There’s so much to do, with new clothes, firecrackers, the “Duit raya” etc. Now that we are older (ehem to DaPocket), all those things that excite us no longer have any effect.
New clothes might have some effect but if we are short of cash, buying new clothes is just out of the question. firecrackers are now just for the kids, and adults going around asking for “Duit raya” is frown upon in some culture 🙂
It is true that we had ourgrown the excitement from all those things. It is unavoidable. This is where we can go wrong, Never leave it like that. We now need to find another way to enjoy our Hari Raya.
If previously we are happy wearing the new clothes, now find that joy in seeing our children wearing new clothes, Walking around handsomely/beautifully like a model, smiling all the way. If that doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will 🙂
Again.. We have to look for the excitement. It will never come looking for you. An example to illustrate is a husband and a wife. One day they will feel like there’s no spark in their love life. They are so used to each other, they didn’t feel the passion and heat like when they first in love. Do you think they should just let it be? or start having affair? Of course not.. They should find out how to heat up their relationship, maybe a second romantic honeymoon
or a simple rose by the bed 🙂
– I wonder –
How do you enjoy your hari raya? Maybe you can share it here…
———— Personal Note —————–
Today I will be going back to Bangi after work, My living-like-a-bachelor day is over. And starting from tomorrow until 25th, I will be on leave (from work.. not from blogging hehe)
What I love most about Hari Raya is when I am able to get together with my two brothers, the mama and the maktuk 🙂 that is all I need for my Hari Raya
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salam banji.. 🙂
dulu mase kecik, tak pnah miss main mercun! even tho sy sungguh takut pada mercun. i mean tgk pakcik2 sy main tu kire sy pon main skali la kan. hehe. n there was a time, kiteorg pasang lagu kuat2, bile mercun nk meletop, kiteorg slow kan radio and dgr the gedebam gedebom. haha.
hari raya is the best la. raya aidilfitri n aidiladha. bg sy 2-2 bes! seronok! sbb bile balik kampung, dpt gie kebun atok! lepak kt pondok n teringt kenangan lalu. aaa, sungguh rindu waktu tuh! now dh besar, kemeriahan tuh agak kurang. bagi can kat sepupu2 kecil pulak merasai kemeriahan tuh. kami yg dh besar nih join gitu2 jek. hehe. tapiiii, kegembiraan dlm yg masih kekal smpi sekarang ialah keriuhan saudara mara n masih kekalkan tradisi pakai baju baru. alhamdulillah.hehe. 🙂
i miss my kampung.. raya nih tak balik sbb abah ada kerja. insyaAllah sabtu baru balik.. tak kisah la lmbt pon. asalkan balik jugak ke kampung. hehe..
selamat hari raya korban untuk banji and family!
diha – salam diha… seronok bila tau ada lagi yg masih excited dgn hari raya 🙂 bertambah2 excited jadinya heheh
tengok org main mercun dah kire sama taraf dgn main ke 🙂 tak aci tu.. tapi mmg best kan mercun2 ni, dulu2 masa kecik2 mmg mcm2 boleh beli kat kedai, tapi skrg ni balik2 mercun pop, mercun lidi… penat tengok budak2 main 🙂 dulu siap ada mercun katak lah, airbomb lah..
tapi itu hanya memori, skrg dah diharamkan.. kena terima lah, nak buat mcm mana ada engineer2 kecik yg pandai2 modify mercun2 tu, semua org affected
mcm diha cakap tu, yg meriah hari raya ni ialah bila sedara mara berkumpul lah, riuh jadinya.. benda kecik pun jadi benda besar dibisingkan 🙂 tak sabar rasanya nak balik kedah.
Selamat hari raya diha! maaf zahir batin 🙂
Hurmmm…my raya tarak la meriah sgt macam org lain..Mgkn pasal i sefamili jarang balik kg dedulu masa raya…Ye la…masa 2 my famili tak se”selesa” mcm now..Anytime can buy ticket balik kg..Beside dulu tarak airasia and tiket MAS pun selalu abis and MAHAL!!!..Kena boking 1thn awal tau…Betapa sshnya nak balik kg dulu..
Ye la…Klo kat Sabah/Swk/semenanjung senang la..leh within drive distance kan..I dulu dok Labuan..msti kai kapal terbang gak…No other way..Klo nak kai feri pergi ke tanah besar Sbh…nak balik Swk memakan semgu gak br smpi kg..Kena ade passport bab kena masuk Brunei..Masa 2 jln raya teruk lagi..Jadi kitaorg biasa akan raya kat Labuan je..just 4 of us..Meriah???Tak sgt..kena lak my famili jenis pendiam…
Jadi i sefamili mmg dah biasa raya secara sederhana.. Skrg..nak balik kg pun dah hurmmmm…tarak mood org ckp..Grandparent dah tarak..tolak lagi ngan 1 of my uncle that recently pass away..So lepas ni mgkn akan lagi jarang balik kg..
2 me la..Raya tak perlu la nak meriah sgt..cukup dgn kesyukuran..Mmg raya adalah hari kemenangan kita tapi jgn smpi menyambutnya keterlaluan..
Raja Haji ni my sist tak dpt balik…nangis la my mum masa dgr takbir..Hohohoho…menu raya 2molow..Laksa Swk…Hohohoho…
Camat ali laya aji Banji…hohohoho
aRa – i can imagine betapa susahnya dulu… at least kalau kg kat semenanjung, takdak flight ada bas ke teksi ke keta.. sana kalau dah takde tiket, tak balik lah..
🙂 takpe nanti dah berdua nanti boleh la merasa beraya kg hubby lak heheh, kena carik yg meriah2 la
apa pun i agree, yg raya mesti disambut dgn kesederhanaan.. kalau sampai renovate rumah setiap kali raya, mati la hehe yg penting kita bersyukur, insyaAllah Dia akan tambah nikmat kita
selamat hari raya aRa!! hohoho