Yesterday was AidilAdha :). However the highlight of these few days will be today, Saturday. I’m going to represent my brother, DaPocket, and discuss his engagement details. In other words, I’m going to go for “meminang”.

At 9.30 am, we will start our journey to Sungai Dua, Penang and should reach there by 11 am. This will be my first time and to tell you the truth, I’m quite nervous. Not that I don’t know what to say, it’s more about it being my first time.

InsyaAllah I will post the pictures here the following days (I need to assign the person in charge), Again sorry for personal entries these few days… 🙂 Such an exciting time (nervously exciting)

Wish me luck!!

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  1. 21 Dec 07 2:24 pm

    Ek…Gud Luck Banji..Hohohoho…

  2. 21 Dec 07 7:48 pm

    waaaa.. interesting event.. do get it updated here ya??

  3. 21 Dec 07 8:44 pm

    salam….tahun 2002 kami sekeluarga pergi meminang org Sg Dua juga..he he he..bertolak hari jumaat dari KL, menginap kat Aprt. Intan Penang , berkumpul semua adik beradik mcm family day…. esoknya ahad bertolak meminang…alhamdulillah ..dah 2 org anak adik saya skrg ni…

  4. 21 Dec 07 8:46 pm

    Salam to banji.. waahh…go to meminang time aidiladha…Very interseting…hehehehe

  5. banji
    22 Dec 07 2:46 am

    aRa – Thanks

    lin – mesti.. dah diupdatedkan, tapi maaf ye takleh letak gambar banyak2, privacy issue 🙂

    kujie – org sungai dua jugak? hehe ntah2 related 🙂

    shakirah – heheh interseting? ntah apa le maksudnya tu… 🙂

  6. 26 Dec 07 9:52 am

    wah.. banji dah berpengalaman ..bleh laa pinjam jadi ketua rombongan nanti.. hahaha

  7. banji
    26 Dec 07 5:40 pm

    nolee – hehe boleh la, sekadar isi tempat kosong, nolee nak minang sape? :p

  8. 27 Dec 07 11:35 am

    haha.. nantilah kalu btul dh tetap ati nk pinang saper nolee bgtau..haha… mesti challengging kan banji…pompuan pi pinang lelaki.. kene ubah laa skrip yg ada tuh.. haha

  9. banji
    28 Dec 07 2:01 am

    nolee – i like challenges heheh yo la tu, padahal gelabah ari tu 🙂 anyway.. u hv my phone no huhu

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