Soon going to be a father, I have done quite a lot of research and book reading on what to expect. Especially all the how-tos around the baby. However, these tips I received via email are really enlightening 🙂 See it for yourself. Credit to DaPocket
Enjoy your Sunday guys!!
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Usually, I found baby related advice boring. This one makes a difference. Fun and enlightening.
Nice pictures.. it’s common sense but sometimes, things happens..
Zul – I have no choice, since this is my first time going to be a father 🙂 need to learn as much as possible. But these picture really made my day hehe
taqeyyabella – yup, common sense, but when the time comes, equipped with the panic attack and all, things can really go wrong 🙂
but I have to agree, these are extreme examples of how wrong it can be
always felt like bursting to laughter whenever i see the ‘nursing baby’ picture.
I’d say the baby will grow up and start hating the father for doing such thing. hehheheh
(If he remembers the whole thing that is …)
hehe.. kelakar btol those pics.. but yep, nmpk kelakar tp kdg2 tu le yg bole terjadi.. huhu.. takot!
im on midterm hols! weee~~ =)
DaPocket – me too, and the man seem to be enjoying it too hahah hampeh 🙂
diha – heheh.. kena hati2 tau nanti 🙂 selamat bercuti!
i’m going to email this to my father !! hehehe so funneh ! =)
julia – please do. But maybe next time.. you can just email him the link to the blog, who know he might enjoy other post here 🙂
I receive this email tooo..So funny…ade ke makpak buat cam ni kat anak dia ek??
aRa – very funny 🙂 harap sangat2 takde mak pak buat mcm tu, drying dlm machine, mati la heh