Itโ€™s Sunday.. For new readers visitting, there are usually no entries on Sunday. Today however, I wished to share with you guys these pictures.

They generally proposed that your sleep behaviour can tell a lot about your personality. I personally do not believe in such ideas and I have proven my point in an experiment done.

Still it is fun to read, so enjoy your Sunday guys! ๐Ÿ™‚

sleep1 Sleep2

sleep3 Sleep4

sleep5 Sleep6

sleep10 Sleep8


– I Wonder –
Which sleeping behavior are you? ๐Ÿ™‚

————- Personal Note ———–
Somehow I think I am using all the pattern describe. I supposed everyone of them will describe me right? ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. 17 Feb 08 2:40 am

    Hurmmm…don’t actually know what sleep pattern i am every nite..Agagagaga…Should on and record via webcam to know…but of course i’m not gonna do that…agagaga

    but i assume all…aggagaga..lebihยฒ lagi time ssh nak tdo…

    1 pattern lagi tarak…if segala yg ade atas katil(bantal,selimut dll) jatuh ke lantai ape ek maksudnya??? 2 org ganas tdo kot… Agagagaga…

  2. 17 Feb 08 5:47 pm

    aRa – ๐Ÿ™‚ recording via webcam? isn’t it easier just to ask your parent? hehe anyway I think I am also categorized under that “everything-on-the-floor” pattern. Hm I would describe us to be people who prefer quality over quantity, since we really need to be comfortable when we sleep even though to the expand of pushing everything(one) around

    Do you agree? hehe

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