Summary – Sit down and write your policy
If you are employed in a company, I’m sure you are familiar with the word “company policy”. Have you read them? I have, and I am not sure I understand what it says there. Everything is so general and I keep asking myself, what can I benefit from this. They were framed as if they were very important.
Basically “company policy” is a very general statement on how the company will react to certain issues. An example is sentences like this – “Safety first”. So whenever a choice has to be made between profit and safety, the safety issue will be addressed first. It’s a policy.
A more interesting question would be – What’s your ultimate personal policy?
The Exercise
The following is an exercise I encourage you to try. Find yourself a paper and a pen. Of course sitting down, come up with an ultimate policy for you. A sentence that will be your guide on how to choose when there’s a choice, on how to react when something happen to you.
It can be two or three paragraphs, or simple lines like these
- Always choose the right thing to do
- Loved ones are my priority
- Me Me Me
- etc
For those with religion, it is advisable to let the religion be your ultimate policy.
The Fun Part
Here comes the fun part. Unless it is based on religion, you are allowed to change the policy anytime you see fit. Record however every time you change the policy. You need to do this because you must be accounted for everything you did based on the policy. Let me give you an example
Let say you started your policy with “Me Me Me”. Which is clear that whatever you are going to do with your life must be all about you. Maybe after a year, you realized that you are happier if you make your spouse happy. Then change your policy to “Me Me Spouse” and so on.
Conclusion – The most important thing about policy is that you must abide to it. This is a must. If you are not a good law abiding person, maybe you can create a policy on how to bend the rule ๐
– I wonder –
What is your current policy when you have a problem?
——— Personal Note ———–
Totally unrelated to the post, I would like to wish my dearest wife (which is popularly known here as the mrs) “Happy Birthday Dear”. I would have given you a nice present. But I don’t think anything can top the one given by Allah for us, our beloved Zafirah ๐
I pray for your happiness every second of my life. Amiin
365 days ago, I wrote – Why You Shouldn’t Be Depressed On Birthdays
Photoย Creditย – Fly Again
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happy birthday kak!!!!!!! lupa laa banji heheheh thn lepas ingat tp lupa lak
when i have a problem….
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3POINT8 – ๐ that policy may save a lot of life