Summary – 10 keywords in your pocket
I’m sure we must all familiar with the concept of Seiton already. I have an idea though.. how about if we branch the idea of Seiton to other things in life.. Non-material things in life?
So how exactly do we apply Seiton to other things in life? One thing come up to mind…
There will be time when you are walking along a very nice guy/girl and you were talking to each other. Suddenly, there’s that silence. Your mind goes blank, No idea whatsoever as to what to say, and from his/her reaction. He/She may be suffering the same thing. Fear not.. You can try this.
Always be prepare with 10 keywords to talk about. Remember, it’s keyword not topics. Examples of keywords are like “Weekend”, “Rambo4”, “LessonInLife.com” 🙂 etc. Anytime you’re stuck use the next one. Lastly, don’t forget to refresh your keywords once you’ve used it. That’s a secret only you need to know 🙂
Also please understand that those keywords are simply for emergency case only. They should not be used one word after another. If you really need to use up all 10, it can only means one of you is really not good with conversation. Improve on that first.
Another methods to use, is maybe redirecting the topic on another subject, like pointing at a mad man preaching to the traffic light. Comment on him instead of asking question to each other. People always love to comment, especially after the appearance of American Idol etc 🙂
– I wonder –
What other things you guys do if you run out of ideas in a conversation?
————– Personal Note ————-
I suddenly remembered the classic movie of P.Ramlee (A Malaysian classic movie) where P.Ramlee is dating Saloma, and they had no idea on what to talk about so he asked her about the weather in Africa, some questions about giraffe. Now that is poor keyword choice 🙂
Can i ask, what keyword are you keeping as spare should your conversation freezes?