Summary – You want something, go get it. Period!
MBBDDH is nothing new actually. It’s a negative attitude that may very well be the one thing that will bring us down irregardless of what area we are in. That I can assure you.
MBBDDH stands for “Maybe Busy, Better Don’t Disturb Him”.
Have you ever wanted to call a long lost friend but in the end, you just cancel it because you think that he may be busy, and you are only disturbing him? He may actually be wondering why nobody is calling him? In the end.. it’s everyone’s lost since the friendship is ruined.
MBBDDH is not an attitude specifically for calling long lost friend. We are actually doing that in most of the things in our life.
Example 1 – The Blackout.
The electrical supply to your house is cut off. you just leave it as it is thinking that somebody else may have called to report.
- Result – you spend half a day without any electricity.
- What you should do – Call the electrical company to report. They may be able to fix the trip in just a few minutes.
Example 2 – The Promotion
There’s a vacancy for a job superior than your position now. You don’t go to your manager for his recommendation, you just hope that they will know that you are qualified.
- Result – the human resource had employed another person for the job.
- What you should do – Get recommendation from your manager and go to human resource asking to be considered. You must promote yourself even though you consider yourself as a very popular employee 🙂
Example 3 – The Broken Heart
You like a girl, she seem to like you too. You befriend her, flirting every now and then but never officially tell her that you like her.
- Result – After one year of being friends, she think that you just want to be her friends. And she move on with another guy.
- What you should do – tell her that you like her.
Conclusion – I remember a quote from the movie “The Pursuit Of Happiness” which goes something like this – “If you want something, go get it. Period!”
That short sentence is one of the most effective words I’ve ever seen. When we want something, why do we let our shyness, or our fear to stand in our way. Those feeling will never help us achieve what we want, so why bother entertaining them. Toss them aside and just go ahead.
– I wonder –
Any other example of where MBBDDH attitude is used?
Photo Credit – Hamed Masoumi