Cat n File

Source : Rajen Devadeson, Personal Money Magazine

No, I don’t do copy and paste. I find it more satisfying writing my own thoughts on things. Still credit is given to the original author.

Basically there are 3 strategies on how to handle your papers.
1) Strategy One – Single Handle Your Paper

  • This is like you have those In and Out tray in your desk. All your files should be categorized in those two. Never put anything outside the tray or … die! 🙂

2) Strategy Two – Use The TRAF System

  • This system was developed by time-management consultant, Stephanie Winston. Basically you decide what to do with your files. However the choice is limited to these four
  • Toss – If it can be dispensed, toss it into the bin. If it’s not…
  • Refer – Can someone else handle it? if yes, delegate to them. If only you can act on it…
  • Act – Why wait? Act on it already. Nobody else will do it.
  • File – Once done, file it for your future reference. Hey at least that’s a record of you doing your work

3) Strategy Three – My Strategy

I however prefer to have a very clean desk. If you have the chance to check my desk you will see that everything has its place. I will notice it even if a red pen lost. That is my interpretation of 5S (which will be explained later). So my paper / work management is basically, trying to get my desk cleared every day. Not exactly new right, but it works for me. 🙂

————— Personal Note ——————-
This is my new column where I will briefly introduce myself to you. As you can obviously see,
I love writing. Not exactly related in my work as I am currently working as an Assistant Manager for a Palm Oil Mill. Today, two of my boiler tube broken in half. 🙂 

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