Hi again, i just came back from my vacation, feeling very refresh (hopefully). I noticed there are a lot of thunderstorm every evening at my place and it suddenly occur to me that I don’t know anything about lightning safety. So I look it up. Better to know this before we are fried, right?
1) It is recommended to wet your clothes with the rain. This is simply because it is always better to have the current go over you than through you
2) Lightning can strike before rain. So take precaution before it rains.
3) Never use an umbrella or your handphone during lightning. There was even one case I read in the newspaper that one Malaysian had to be admitted to hospital for using handphone and got struck by lightning
4) Do not take shelter under a tree, instead try the inside of a building. Much safer.
5) There is this “Lightning Defensive Position” we can try. Squat down with your feet together and close your ears with your hands. Do not lie down or touch any metal or anyone beside you. Just remember, the lightning always try to find the tallest object around. So if you are on a field alone. the position will not do much 🙂
6) Stay in your shelter for about 15 minutes after the rain stopped. This is because lightning can strike up to 15km away from the thundercloud even after the rain had stopped.
————— Personal Note ————————–
Talking about lightning, I always imagine that if one can survive after being struck by lightning, he or she will have superpowers. heheh I for one is obsessed with the idea of superpower. So any tv series with such theme immediately falls in my favorite list. We may not be able to fly or stop time. But I think we are still using so little of our potential. Just compare ourselves with world athletes around the world. Anyway…. GOOD TO BE BACK!!!! 🙂
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