So there’s no other choice? and you still need to continue the fight, learn from this masters
Real Kungfu in real life.
It’s Funday! These are some pictures I received via forwarded emails. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

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So there’s no other choice? and you still need to continue the fight, learn from this masters
It’s Funday! These are some pictures I received via forwarded emails. Enjoy your weekend 🙂
haha. nice pic!
chinese somehow ramai yg berbakat kan? 🙂
we malay have our own great move also
or else how does :
pencari madu lebah liar cari makan..
orang gayung mandi minyak…
mat rempit yg still merempit heh heh
pocket – u make some good point there, i guess every race has something extraordinary associated with it, chinese with kungfu,indian with kalari payat n malay with silat
even though rempit is also extraordinary, an extraordinary way to die 🙂
ahaaa pic no2 tu mmg kreative ..adakah akan ku jumpe anak murid begitu 🙂
nuuol – 🙂 kalau jumpa lah, nak reward dia sbb creative ke atau denda dia for vandalisme eheh myself akan suruh dia buat 2 3 kali lagi tgk mcm mana
That was so entertaining!!
Emm emmm, lemme think what do panasians have then..
…aerobics , ngehh:D
…french kiss, tehehehhe:p
Amazing. Ni boleh berlakon shaolin soccer II nih.
noushy – wah.. then i definitely need to know more panasians :p just kidding
zul – hehe.. malaysia kena le buat jugak movie mcm tu, kuntau soccer.