It’s that time of the year again… Ramadhan is here 🙂 It is most probably to start this coming Thursday. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends reading, “Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan”.
This will be the first of the many tributes to Ramadhan I will write. The entries written is dedicated generally to all of us Muslim reading, specifically to myself… since I admit that I have A LOT to improve.
So can I ask what is Ramadhan to you? Is it just the name of the month where Muslim will be fasting? or does it have any other definition to you? We must first establish this before we even start fasting. Otherwise what difference would our fasting be from the diet practised worldwide.
Ramadhan is actually more than a mere month. It is basically a training academy for us muslim. So are we ready to go into this training? Just imagine you’re walking and an old friends come to see you and ask you to join a training. What would be your first reaction?
You will then ask “What training?”, “To achieve what?” and “What’s in it for me?”. Don’t you agree that these responds are exactly what you need to know before you enroll in any training or program?
So what do you think the answers would be for the three questions? It is interesting that this training academy is actually supervised by no other, but by us ourselves. If we don’t want to fast, who will know? It is entirely up to us… so as the supervisor of this training, do you have the answers for the three questions? No answers are wrong answers I tell you, simply because these answers are basically what we want for ourselves. So if it is not too much trouble please share your opinion here. If not, just thinking about the answers is very much appreciated.
We really have to know what we’re doing. Take eating for example, “How?” We put food in our mouth, chew and swallow. “To achieve what?” a healthier body, “What’s in it for me?” no more hunger. All answers are equally important.
- If we don’t know how to swallow, there’s no point reading all those health books and knowing how a chicken would taste.
- If we don’t know anything about health, we will be eating, and we will not be hungry but the food we eat will eventually kill us
- If for example our tounge has loss its sense of taste and thus we cannot enjoy the taste of food anymore. We will be eating healthy food but after sometime, the desire will deteriorate and we may end up (hilang selera makan) and possibly sick.
– Other related entries –
- Dari Mana Nak Kemana – The beginning of this blog
- The Story – Childhood memories of an “almost-fight” happened during Ramadhan night
————–Personal Note————-
Again… “Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan” to all :). Hopefully we can gain other thing this month other than weight 🙂
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setuju lagi…kalau hendak disifatkan sebagai training academy.Persiapan mental dan fizikal perlu kuat untuk menangkis nafsu.Peperangan yang akan dihadapi bukan calang-calang..nafsu yang sudah gemuk selama 11 bulan.Kita bersenjatakan iman dan takwa menghadapinya.Semoga kita semua berjaya.Rapatkan barisan dan saling memberi semangat.
Jumpa lagi.Selamat berpuasa dan berperang.
encik farmasi – kan? nafsu kita mmg dah gemuk selama 11 bulan. badan kita pun dah gemuk hehe
tapi tu lah… kite perang habis2an, petang2 dah kalah balik… sbb ikut nafsu masa beli juadah berbuka. (terutama sipenulis)
azam tahun ni.. kurgkan sket ikut nafsu time beli juadah
for me,bulan puasa saya jdkn titik mula utk berubah kpd yg lebih baik..ya, kita boleh mula berubah pd masa2 lain juga, x perlu tunggu bulan puasa,kn? hehehe.. ramadhan seems to be the perfect month to change for the better….contoh:
1.bila bulan puasa kita automatik train diri utk bgn awl utk sahur, so, habis bulan puasa pun boleh teruskn amln tu..
2. x boleh mengumpat (actually kalo x puasa pun xleh mengumpat kn? hehe) bila dh sebulan control mulut, bila dh habis bulan puasa pun terasa kekok kalo nk mengata org..
bnyk kesimpulannya, bulan puasa memang satu bulan yg sesuai utk berubah dan berlatih (training, as u said)
oh, not 2 forget, bulan puasa juga bermakna bulan study bg kami2 students kat sini..sbb exam final slalunye pas raya, jd time bulan puasa ni, pukul 2, 3 pg masih ramai yg aktif lg, burning the midnight oil… :p
Ramadhan MUbarak and may all of us will attain more taqwa, insyaallah.
All the facts that you mentioned are true, with additional that Ramadhan as I see it from different point of view is the month for people regardless Muslim or not ‘indulging appetite’.
I might be wrong, but that’s the reality which I’m trying not too…
wilda – (mengangguk) bile lagi nak resetkan hidup kite ni kan? masa ramadhan lah masa yg paling tepat, sebab nak tak nak akan ada perubahan dlm hidup kita.. (tak makan, tak buat dosa)
dan hopefully, selepas ramadhan kita boleh kekalkan apa yg kite amalkan masa ramadhan, takleh banyak 10% pun jadi lah.
ada terdengar ayat ni – istiqamah (kekal dalam amalan) ni ibarat memegang bara api. susah.. dan anytime boleh terlepas
goodluck ye study time sahur.. (ngantuk nye time tu) hehe
noushy – that really is the irony of it all. Ramadhan is supposed to be training your inner desire (nafsu).
and through out the day, ppl are thinking of what to eat later, what to buy for raya,
In my opinion, the whole concept of fasting is already misunderstood.
I once heard, that during the Rasulullah time, the muslim there actually rejoice when Ramadhan approaches and cried when it ends. Seems like it is the other way around now.. *sigh
Anggap je Ramadhan tu mcm bulan biasa. Its like having meal late sbb we come home late. That way we wud not be fooled by to buy more food.
And use the supposed time for meal to read AlQuran etc. Wallahualam.
Selamat berpuasa.. Here we start Ramadhan on Wednesday and thus, we celebrate raya earlier than u! 😀
intan – that’s a very good idea. insyaAllah saya akan try kali ni.
air tebu, mertabak, etc lain kali boleh dapat. kan?
so ure starting there a bit early? hehe apa kata, saya puasa start kat sini, raya kat rusia :p
Selamat berpuasa to you and to everyone else reading.
arigato banji! slamat berpuase jugak! hmm, cite psl ramadhan nih, teringt waktu darjah 1@2 dulu. saya nih nakal cikit. biase la, dulu kedai air tebu dekat ngan rumah. so, tiap kali sebelum azan, mak mesti suro beli air tebu tuh. then saya nih dengan baik nye, sebelum azan berkumandang, dah curik minum air tebu tuh sikit. hehe. then bile sampai rumah, buat muke toye jek. buat muke tak bersalah. haha. teruk betul perangai. =p
diha – heheh rasanya mak ayah dah tahu tu, tengok letih semacam je, hantar le gi beli air tebu
sy dulu… setakat minum air paip je :p
The ‘start pose on wednesday’ rumour around here turned out to be not true after all la. Unlike last years, this year sy puasa sama kamu di malaysia. So forget abt coming to rusia. Unless u have murtabak to deliver 😀
intan – really? (senyum dlm hati) dah siap beli baju raya ala2 rusia dah..
eh by the way, mcm mana ye baju raya ala2 rusia?
at least.. kite sambut sama2 kan? 🙂