Archive for the ‘Lesson Learnt’ Category

Summary – Don’t worry on things we cannot control

I have missed two days of posting. 🙂 Sorry, well as the saying goes, we can always plan.. but in the end He will decide how everything will happen.

Does this mean that all our plan in our life is pointless? and that we might as well do nothing and let everything happen, since in the end He will decide for you?

Eheh even we know immediately right that this is wrong. Allah had never taken away our right to choose. Instead we decide everything for ourselves. It is only how things happen is decided by Him. We choose a road to travel, whether or not that road will suffer major traffic jam is never in our control. We decide to eat, however how our body react to it, digest it is totally beyond our control. But we still need to travel to go to somewhere. We will never get anywhere if we don’t travel. We still need to eat, whether or not we will still feel hungry afterward is totally up to Him,

Now that we clear that up, why oh why should we be bothered by those we can’t control. We are going to office, when suddenly it rains heavily and flood the whole area. we will not be able to go to work, and the boss might scream at us afterward. Think logically… what else we can do? Can we get to the office any other method? No? then call the boss, tell him what happen. Why do we spend the rest of day worrying about getting scold tomorrow… when we know for sure, there’s nothing we can already do. Isn’t it better if we spend the day off with the family happily. At least you are getting something out of this, a happier family.

My point is simple…. always try to control our wandering mind. Things go wrong, you have done everything humanely possible. And there’s NOTHING else can be done. Why spend your energy worrying until it upset everything, your family suffered, your work quality deteriorated, your stress level increased.

Other application that I may think are as follows

  • Traffic jam, there’s nothing you can do about it, please don’t cut queue through the emergency lane.. I will hate you for that 🙂 so why curse and get angry. Do something else maybe rehearse for Akademi Fantasia audition by singing the song in the radio, or come up with idea for your blog.
  • Your friend have a misunderstanding with you, and you had tried to reconcile by apologizing (eventhough it’s totally not your fault) for for about 3 months already and still he don’t want to talk to you. Why worry and blame yourself. You cannot control people’s feeling. move on.
  • etc

Don’t you agree that we spend a lot of time doing basically nothing (worrying)?

————— Personal Note ————————–
Do you remember the time I mentioned to you that I made a terrible mistake in my line of work. I accidentally authorize the cutting of wrong tube in a boiler. The manager was furious. And for the first time, he screamed at me in front of other people. I was so stressed at the time. The only thing come up to my mind is me being sacked from the job. Seriously very stressful. Of course I had called up contractors to repair the damage, yet my mind is torturing me with all the negativity. For about 1 hour I feel like that when I think the last thing I could do is to write an apology letter. I admit my mistake and claim that I will take full responsibility.

He called me in the evening. And to my surprise instead of being sacked, he said that he had shown my letter to his superior (who was by the way there) and the superior was actually very impressed with me taking the responsibility. However he said that this is a very expensive lesson to be learnt and not to be repeated. I nodded appreciatively.. Fuuh lega! 🙂

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13 Going 30
Summary – Appreciating is a hard thing to do

Hectic hectic day… So hi guys, hows life?

Yesterday I was watching a movie “13 going 30” on RTM2 with the mrs. Did you watch it? Well no fear, this is not a movie review. It is about one 13 years old wishing to be 30. And like every thing else in a movie, the wish come true.

I’m not sure about you, but when I am at that age, I cant wait to become adult. No more studying, no more exams, a lot of money every months. Can do anything we desire without the need to seek approval, Wow! that would be heavenly.

Not that my childhood is no fun. Believe me. It was the best time of my life. With all the drama, the rebellion, the awesome company, SO MUCH free time, I sometime wonder what to do… Now that I’m working. every once in a while, I start wishing to be given the opportunity to turn back time, and maybe this time I will appreciate the time more.

I believe every one, if given the chance, want to do the same. Am I right? Why ya?

I’m thinking this all through out the movie. And this is what I can come up with

  • We really are so bad at appreciating and be thankful. when we were kids, we don’t appreciate all the wonderful things we’re given and jealous of all the things adult do. It actually not a surprise because we were just not that mature at the time. But why when we were supposed to be more mature now, the “bad at appreciating” seems to still be there.
  • It doesn’t stop there, we always find eating at other’s house is more delicious than our very own cooking. We always envied other people for their perfect life, when in fact they were doing the same on you.
  • any other examples guys?

No wonder the word “syukur” is repeated many times in AlQuran. It is not an easy thing to do, don’t you think?

————— Personal Note ————————–
I know somebody may find that the movie is so ewww heheh. Well unfortunately I really like that type of movie. For me movies should satisfy my imagination. If I want to see war movies, I am better off with the evening news :). Anyway my kind of favorite movies are those that are imaginative like Harry Potter, LOTR, Highlander etc. Comedy is another genre I love. Ya la, if you are going to sit there for 2 hours, you are entitled to a happier you after the movie… 🙂

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Summary – Trust is a must in working, but need to evaluate once in a while

Yesterday I learnt a valuable lesson from my day’s job. Sharing here, maybe you guys have better advice for me.

The mill has two pumps. In every pump there are two parts, let us named them part A and part B,

One of my staff told me that the two pumps are under repair. Apparently Pump 1 had a faulty part A, and pump 2 had a faulty part B. So both cannot run.

I believe the staff. Solution would be simple. Dismantle both pump and use part A and B which is still in good condition in one pump. So technically I will then have one running pump and one faulty pump.

So I sent my foreman to go there and do that. The foreman came back and say that the information is wrong.

There are two pumps, but pump 1 is still in good condition. Pump 2 is not (both the faulty part A and B is from pump 2)

A bit embarassed that I sent people to repair without knowing exactly what’s the problem. The staff is called and I later learn that he may misunderstand the whole problem.

1) I am actually very busy for the past one week. Don’t have time to check everything myself.

2) It will be not efficient for me to do everything. I’m delegating task, and in order to do that, I will need to trust my staff

1) I have to recheck my staff credibility from time to time. Cannot just trust them entirely

2) My staff need to know that I’m checking on them. That way, they will think twice before giving me wrong information. It is always better to admit not knowing, than to lie

Do you think the lesson learnt is accurate? Or do you have any other advice for me (and for other friends reading this)?

————— Personal Note ————————–
Mistake happen all the time in any job, As long as lesson learnt it should be ok.I am currently back in KL for the charity tomorrow. So I am posting this entry from my phone. Please excuse all typo and allignment error. They will be sorted out.

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Summary – Lesson Learnt From Fingers

Yes, that is my hand eheh. The picture actually shows the polite way of pointing direction. The thumb is used instead of the second finger (called pointing finger right?). It is said that symbolically by using the thumb, we will be reminded that even though one finger is pointing at somebody else, the remaining four fingers are actually pointing at us.

Maybe to be funny we can start pointing at people using all ten fingers. Then no fingers will be back-stabbing us hehe. But being funny aside, we really need to check on ourselves before looking into other people’s fault or mistake. It is very easy to blame others on things happening to us. For example, a student who is getting bad grades. The first thing the parent usually do is to send him to a tuition class. In my opinion, this had indirectly blamed the failure to the teachers teaching at school. It IS true that there are some cases that the teacher is a bad teacher, but I don’t think all teachers in this country is bad. The parent should first check themselves. Are they involved in the child’s education. Had they given the proper motivation and maybe describe the importance of education to the child? Tackle these first, and later we can use that ten fingers kay?

Another example –

A man goes to his doctor and says, “I don’t think my wife’s hearing is as good as it used to be, what should I do?”

The doctor replies, “Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t respond keep moving closer asking the question until she hears you.”

The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says, “What’s for dinner, honey?”

He gets no response, so he moves to ten feet behind her and asks again.

Still no response, so he moves to five feet. Again, no answer.

Finally he stands directly behind her and says, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

She replies, “For the fourth time, I said CHICKEN! CHICKEN! CHICKEN!

————— Personal Note ————————–
When I first come to KL. That was in 94, I liked to explore the city by foot. So one day, I was planning to go to Sogo, and being new to the place, I asked this teenager the whereabout. He immediately gave me the direction. Go here then go there. I’ll try to memorize it and after thanking him, I follow the direction he gave me. To my surprise.. after about 15 minutes of walking, I end up meeting the same guy grinning to his ear. He also don’t know where he is. Ceh

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