Summary – Do not be calculative…
A story today, I once heard from an unknown resource. I’m also not that sure whether it’s true or not but irregardles, it is a nice story to be shared. (Obviously the story was rewritten based on memory)
Once upon a time, there was a man who is so successful, he was the richest person in the country. One day he decided that he wanted to pay off any debt he had with any person in the country. After paying off all debt, he suddenly realized that he still owe his success to his old mother. And thus he went to see a wise man, asking how he could settle all debt he has with his mother.
The wise man, shook his head and said that there’s no way a mother’s deed can ever be repaid.
The rich man disagreed, and came up with a plan. What he did was he picked his mother off the floor and started carrying her on his back for 10 years. This according to him should settle the burden he was when the mother was pregnant. In the 10 years time, he did everything, his mother did when he’s a child. feeding her with his own hand, bathing her, everything to repay back all the little things he did.
After the ten years passed. He again went to the wise man, and tell him every little thing he did. Apparently he kept a notebook listing it all, complete with time and date.
The wise man simply said that “What you did however great it was, will never match even a drop of your mother’s breast milk. or a second of your time seeing with those eyes”
(I’m sorry to interrupt… this is how I remember the story, “eye” with “blind”, get it? ok on with the story hehe)
The rich man said “You are just making this up, how come what I did doesn’t match what she did?”
The wise man replied “It is because, when your mother carried you, fed you, bathed you… the only thing in her heart is the hope to see you grow and happy. But when you carried her, feed her, bathed her.. the only thing in your heart is wondering when will she die.”
/end story
Seriously, I pray to Allah, please don’t let me be that type of person. Where when we care for our parents, we are counting every deed we do to them, thinking “apsal lak aku yg kena jaga, anak2 dia lain buat apa?”, and every now and then, hoping that they will die soon so that I can move on with my life. Please Ya Allah…. Please don’t.
————–Personal Note————-
There are two most important person in my life. My mama and Maktuk. Unfortunately I cannot care for them. My mother is still working in KL. She is a very independent woman being a single parent and all. All I can do is to go visit her every now and then. That’s why sometimes I’m not able to update the blog. I seriously hope to be able to take care of her when she decided to stop working.
Maktuk is my grandmother living in Kedah. Alhamdulillah, my brothers Filantera & Pocket are there taking care of her. I always feel sad knowing that I’m not there, seeing her more often when this is the time she needed me the most. I have to do something about this…