Archive for the ‘Lesson Learnt’ Category


Summary – Do not be calculative…

A story today, I once heard from an unknown resource. I’m also not that sure whether it’s true or not but irregardles, it is a nice story to be shared. (Obviously the story was rewritten based on memory)

Once upon a time, there was a man who is so successful, he was the richest person in the country. One day he decided that he wanted to pay off any debt he had with any person in the country. After paying off all debt, he suddenly realized that he still owe his success to his old mother. And thus he went to see a wise man, asking how he could settle all debt he has with his mother.

The wise man, shook his head and said that there’s no way a mother’s deed can ever be repaid.

The rich man disagreed, and came up with a plan. What he did was he picked his mother off the floor and started carrying her on his back for 10 years. This according to him should settle the burden he was when the mother was pregnant. In the 10 years time, he did everything, his mother did when he’s a child. feeding her with his own hand, bathing her, everything to repay back all the little things he did.

After the ten years passed. He again went to the wise man, and tell him every little thing he did. Apparently he kept a notebook listing it all, complete with time and date.

The wise man simply said that “What you did however great it was, will never match even a drop of your mother’s breast milk. or a second of your time seeing with those eyes”

(I’m sorry to interrupt… this is how I remember the story, “eye” with “blind”, get it? ok on with the story hehe)

The rich man said “You are just making this up, how come what I did doesn’t match what she did?”

The wise man replied “It is because, when your mother carried you, fed you, bathed you… the only thing in her heart is the hope to see you grow and happy. But when you carried her, feed her, bathed her.. the only thing in your heart is wondering when will she die.”

/end story

Seriously, I pray to Allah, please don’t let me be that type of person. Where when we care for our parents, we are counting every deed we do to them, thinking “apsal lak aku yg kena jaga, anak2 dia lain buat apa?”, and every now and then, hoping that they will die soon so that I can move on with my life. Please Ya Allah…. Please don’t.

————–Personal Note————-
There are two most important person in my life. My mama and Maktuk. Unfortunately I cannot care for them. My mother is still working in KL. She is a very independent woman being a single parent and all. All I can do is to go visit her every now and then. That’s why sometimes I’m not able to update the blog. I seriously hope to be able to take care of her when she decided to stop working.

Maktuk is my grandmother living in Kedah. Alhamdulillah, my brothers Filantera & Pocket are there taking care of her. I always feel sad knowing that I’m not there, seeing her more often when this is the time she needed me the most. I have to do something about this…

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Doctors 101

Summary – 2 Lessons from Med School

First-year students at Med School were receiving their first Anatomy class with a real dead human body. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.

The professor started the class by telling them: “In medicine, it is necessary to have 2 important qualities as a doctor. The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the human body.”

For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the corpse, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth.

“Go ahead and do the same thing,” he told his students.

The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it. Each one tried his best not to puke.

When everyone had finished, the Professor looked at them and told them, “The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my Middle finger and sucked on my Index finger. Now learn to pay attention.”

/end story

This is a classic joke I received via email. I bet most of you had read it before. I guess that’s just how important to pay attention when you’re learning something. Or otherwise, eww! or worse

————— Personal Note ————————–
In 1995, I worked as a cashier in Sungai Petani, Kedah. Every night I had to rush myself to the bus station and usually boarded the last bus for the night home. If I miss that bus, I will have to take a taxi which will cost me RM30 (No Way).

One night, as usual I rushed to the bus station and luckily for me the bus already arrived and I got in. After a while, I noticed that the bus was heading the wrong way (Obviously it was the wrong bus). I immediately got off, and knew that I was 2 or 3 km away from the bus station.

Time was running short, I could even see the bus I was supposed to take coming. I had no choice but to hitch a ride with a motorcyclist. Luckily the motorcyclist stop, but he hesitated because he didn’t have an extra helmet. What a perfect timing to start being a safe rider.. (He was not wearing any at the time he stopped)

Despite the delay of waiting for him to get a spare helmet from home, and the fact that my bus had already passed in front of me, I still able to make it to the bus station in time. Thanks to the motorcyclist.

Lesson learnt – Pay attention! 🙂

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Summary – Ideas come first in a team, then comes the work.

Watched CSI yesterday on ntv7. Typical CSI series as always. By the way, love the series… hehe

Do excuse the entry if you’re not a fan of the tv series. One thing I noticed from the show is that the CSI team always think out loud. When they see a small fiber, they will say it out loud.. “There’s a fibre there, which shouldn’t be there” or even when they are alone, they will speak up. highlighting this and that. Why ya? did they do that? The reason are maybe as follows –

1) They are acting.. and in real life, police may work quietly, But if they do the series quietly, it will be one dull series. Unfortunately.. I believe this is the actual reason why they speak up every piece of their mind.

2) Many heads are always better than one head. Usually with these guys, time are always against them, they need to solve the case ASAP. so by highlighting what they see to the rest of the team, all will be updated simulataneously and maybe some other guys have better insight on the things. So guys… this is actually how a team should be.

I remember when I was studying. For one of our subject, we were put into a group of 5. Our group consist of 4 Malays and one foreigner from Turkmenistan. And as always, our group tends to discuss everything in Malay. So he is very pissed everytime the meeting was held (I can’t blame him). To cut things short.. the foreign student finally gave up and instead of supporting with his creative ideas, he just did all the work. Shame on us…

I guess we might have gotten better grade in that subject if we allowed his creativity and ideas to be discussed. He is one of the best student there.

The lesson I learnt from this is not from my proudest experience. But for the record, the foreign student was staying in the same block with me, and most of the time, after the meeting, I will describe to him what the meeting is all about. Most of the time… *Sigh

Conclusion – the reason teams are formed is to share the ideas, not to share the work. Work, anyone can do.. Ideas, can only surface if everyone support each other.Anything else from the show that you might noticed?

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Summary – Just remember one thing.. just one thing.

This past few days, I am more eager to watch tv. Not because of the movies, but actually because of the sponsored advertisement, all giving different angle on how to view Merdeka. Yes… Finally I decided to say something on Merdeka.

There are so many ways to talk about Merdeka, The News Straits Times is giving copies of reprint newspapesr from the year 1957. The Petronas as always, come up with a brilliant advertisement where the children were asked to spell dinosaur, and I guess you understood what I meant.

Kudos to all, because we really need to be reminded of all that. The struggle, The long way we have come, The peace etc.

So what more can this entry in this humble blog add to the inspiring celebration through out the country.

I guess, that’s the whole question now isn’t it? What more can WE add to all this?

We can celebrate all we can, we can be touched by the ad, We can feel lucky, free, and thankful with being a Malaysian. But like all celebration, it will be over with time.

So what can we actually do for our country? So many ways.. believe me. But I believe there is one thing which if done, will be the equivalent to all the message in Merdeka campaign, tv ad, and everything. If you do this, will be more significant than all flags being raised this day in the whole country. You just need to remember. Remember what we are celebrating, remember where we come from, remember the struggle, just remember.

You don’t need to remember all. How can everyone remember the history of Merdeka, Take one piece.. and hold on to that. If you like to remember Merdeka for its flag. Do not remove the flag when Merdeka is over. And please don’t leave it be to rot as well… maintain or change it to new if you must. What I’m saying, choose one thing you learn from all this.. and stick to it for the rest of your life proudly. That would be so much better than the celebration once a year.

It doesn’t have to be flag. Remember the Petronas advertisement, where the children doesn’t know what’s the meaning of race? even associated race with racing. Eheh really funny. If you choose this lesson, practise the idea through out your life. Make friends with all races. Remove the racism in your heart entirely. You don’t have to put up a flag if you don’t want to. Just do this.

Hopefully you understand my message. So can I ask, how do you wish to remember this Merdeka? My humble answer is in the additional idea. Please share yours

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